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using Promptuarium;
Creating single node (or tree root):
Element node = new Element();
Creating single tree:
Element tree = new Element();
Element child1 = new Element();
Element child2 = new Element();
Element child3 = new Element();
tree += child1;
child1 += child2;
tree -= child1;
Adding childs with the constructor:
Element tree = new Element(null, null,
new Element(),
new Element(),
new Element()
Adding nodes with LINQ:
Element tree = new Element();
new byte[] {5, 9, 3, 6, 7}.Select(n => new Element(Data.FromByte(n)))
Adding data and/or metadata to a node:
Element tree = new Element();
Element decimalGuidNode = new Element();
decimalGuidNode.Data = Data.FromGuid(Guid.NewGuid());
decimalGuidNode.MetaData = Data.FromDecimal(1.978M);
Add data/metadata through properties:
Element tree = new Element();
Element decimalGuidNode = new Element()
Data = Data.FromGuid(Guid.NewGuid()),
MetaData = Data.FromDecimal(1.978M)
Adding data and/or metadata to a node with the constructor:
Element child1 = new Element(AData.FromGuid(testGuid));
Element child2 = new Element(null, AData.FromDecimal(1.978M));
Element child3 = new Element(new MemoryStream(new byte[] { 3 }), Data.FromDecimal(1.978M));
Element tree = new Element();
tree += child1;
tree.Add(child2, child3);
Accessing the data or metadata of a node:
bool boolValue = node.Data.AsBool();
DateTime dateTimeValue = node.MetaData.AsDateTime();
Accessing children (IEnumerable):
foreach (var child in node.Children)
child.Data = Data.FromVarInt(z++);
Element child = (from child in node.Children where child.MetaData.AsInt() > 100 select child).FirstOrDefault();
Accessing the data of child node #2 (addressing child nodes with the indexer):
long longValue = tree[2].Data.AsLong();
long varIntValue = tree[2].Data.AsVarInt();
Accessing the metadata of child node #2 of child node #5:
string stringValue = tree[5][2].MetaData.AsUtf16String();
Save tree into a file or stream:
await tree.SaveAsync(@"file1.p", cancellationToken);
await tree.SaveAsync(someNetworkStream);
Load tree from a file or stream:
Element tree = await Element.LoadAsync(@"file1.p");
Element treeFromMemoryStream = await Element.LoadAsync(someMemoryStream, cancellationToken);
Creating string from a node (i.e. to display it's metadata and data):
Element node = tree[1][3][7];
string nodeString = node.ToString();
Creating string from a tree (i.e. for debug purposes):
string treeString = tree.TreeToString();
More Promptuarium tree can be saved into the same stream/file:
using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream())
Element treeA = new Element() { Data = AData.FromAsciiString("A") };
new Element { Data = Data.FromAsciiString("A1") },
new Element { Data = Data.FromAsciiString("A2") }
Element treeB = new Element() { Data = Data.FromAsciiString("B") };
new Element { Data = Data.FromAsciiString("B1") },
new Element { Data = Data.FromAsciiString("B2") }
await treeA.SaveAsync(stream);
await treeB.SaveAsync(stream);
stream.Position = 0;
Element tree2A = Element.LoadAsync(stream);
Element tree2B = Element.LoadAsync(stream);
string sTreeA = treeA.TreeToString();
string sTreeB = treeB.TreeToString();
string sTree2A = tree2A.TreeToString();
string sTree2B = tree2B.TreeToString();
Assert.AreEqual(sTreeA, sTree2A);
Assert.AreEqual(sTreeB, sTree2B);
Adding save (saving/saved) and load (loading/loaded) events:
var tree = new Element(Data.FromUtf8String("ROOT"), null,
new Element(Data.FromUtf8String("NODE1"), null, null, null),
new Element(Data.FromUtf8String("NODE2"), null, null),
new Element(Data.FromUtf8String("NODE3"), null)
int savingEventFired = 0;
int savedEventFired = 0;
int loadingEventFired = 0;
int loadedEventFired = 0;
tree.OnDataSaving += (s, a) =>
tree.OnDataSaved += (s, a) =>
await tree.SaveAsync(@"..\temp\ut10.p");
List<string> loadingNodes = new List<string>();
List<string> loadedNodes = new List<string>();
Element.OnDataLoading += (s, a) =>
Element.OnDataLoaded += (s, a) =>
var tree2 = await Element.LoadAsync(@"..\temp\ut10.p");
open Promptuarium
let longValue = 100L
let tree = Element()
tree.Add(Element(Data.FromDateTime(System.DateTime.Now), null))
tree.MetaData <- Data.FromUtf8String("Hello Promptuarium Demo")
tree.[0].MetaData <- Data.FromLong(longValue)
let base64EncodedTree = tree.ToBase64StringAsync() |> Async.AwaitTask
let longValueBack = tree.[0].MetaData.AsLong()
tree.SaveAsync("c:\\windows\\temp\\FromFSharp.p") |> Async.AwaitTaskVoid