What's Changed
- [Draft] Super actors proposal by @devmessias in #1
- PyTest and Coverage configs and the most relevant tests by @devmessias in #5
- Implements IPC tools to enhance network layout libs. Adds MDE-IPC by @devmessias in #6
- fix typo penaltie->penalty by @devmessias in #8
- Push and Pull penalty and anchored constrains for pymde by @devmessias in #9
- This reduces the flickering effect and improves the IPC layouts by @devmessias in #10
- Layout improvements (MDE and Helios Force Directed) by @devmessias in #14
- [W.I.P] cugraph force-atlas2 layout by @devmessias in #13
- fix: shared memory minimum size on macos by @devmessias in #16
- implements a behavior that allows recording the evolution of the positions of any IPClayout algorithm by @devmessias in #17
- FURY network actors improvements by @devmessias in #15
- ReadTheDocs configuration by @devmessias in #18
- ci: pytest by @devmessias in #20
- Improves the IPCLayout memory management by @devmessias in #23
- Fixes for the github action by @filipinascimento in #25
- Improvements to the README by @filipinascimento in #26
- Deletingthe README.rst files to prepare for the .md by @filipinascimento in #27
- Docs improvements by @devmessias in #22
- General improvements to the README by @filipinascimento in #28
- Fix Setup.py to use README.md instead of rst by @filipinascimento in #29
- Removed mentions to fury from installation guide by @SetoKaiba777 in #30
- Github action to build package and publish on pip by @filipinascimento in #31
New Contributors
- @devmessias made their first contribution in #1
- @filipinascimento made their first contribution in #25
- @SetoKaiba777 made their first contribution in #30
Full Changelog: https://github.com/fury-gl/helios/commits/0.3.0