Implementing full 1.7.10-1.16.4 compatibility and improvements
Fixed formatting of project on GitHub for easier contribution.
Removed useless or unfinished classes.
Implemented new 1.16-1.16.4 compatibility.
Removed deprecation for the BlockBox system. It will be updated in the future.
Fixed WrappedInSetingsPacket errors on 1.14+
Fixed WrappedInBlockPlacePacket errors on 1.14+
Fixed WrappedInArmAnimation errors on 1.14+
Fixed some errors in TinyProtocol_18 for 1.13+.
Fixed errors with 1.9+ in WrappedInUseEntityPacket.
Fixed errors in 1.16+ with WrappedChatMessage.
Fixed errors in the annotation CommandManager with later versions of Minecraft.
Fixed WrappedOutOpenWindow error in 1.14+
Fixing errors in JsonMessage class for latest versions of Minecraft.
Fixed 1.8 errors in WrappedEnumHand.
Implemented new Settings menu API extension of the current menu API (Settings, SettingsMenu, SettingButton).
Fixed error in EntityData when grabbing entities that aren't already set.
Implemented new utilities in MiscUtils and other places.
Fixed instability with AtlasBungee.
Atlas and AtlasBungee will do their best to autoconfigure themselves to fit your servers loadout.
Removed debug messages that were in the form of Bukkit.broadcastMessage() (oops).
Added new ChatBuilder class which uses the spigot ComponentBuilder but makes it a bit less verbose.
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