Added an AutoUpdater and Improvements + Bug Fixes
This update includes many improvements and some new features for the user. It also will help any developer who uses this as a dependency with users not updating to the proper version. It even includes a feature where it will tell the user if the new update has changes that will affect compatibility.
- Added an updater to atlas
- Added a /atlas command.
- Added a /atlas update argument to that command.
- Fixed error outputed by Atlas on disable, caused by it attempting to remove a netty channel using a thread that is already cancelled.
- Fixed bug with Atlas which allowed a player to join without a netty channel being injected. This is caused by a player attempting to join the server using startup. It's possible since the TinyProtocol injector used a PlayerLoginEvent instead of a PlayerJoinEvent, which a PlayerJoinEvent is not called until the player is joined with a world loaded and everything.
- Improved over-all reliability.