ezSFbmaster is a web-application to fetch facebook post shared in a slack private channel, and create a feed of embeddable post on a HTML page; with a button to mark liked post back to the corresponing slack message.
Copy code.gs, oauth.gs, and template.html to your App Script project.
Visit to your App settings (https://api.slack.com/apps) on Slack API page, and register an app.
Go to "OAuth & Permissions".
Replace your Google-Apps-Script-ID to the following address, and then add it as a new Redirect URLs. ... https://script.google.com/macros/d/< Google-Apps-Script-ID >/usercallback ...
Add the following permission under Scropes, ... reactions:write, emoji:read,reactions:read,groups:history,groups:read,usergroups:read,incoming-webhook ...
Go to Basic Information, copy your Client ID and Client Secret to the fields in oauth.gs
To authorize this app, you can add a Slack button to your website. Visit the "Manage Distribution" setting, you can find the HTML code of Embeddable Slack Button for your App.
Use https://api.slack.com/methods/auth.test/test to obtain your team_id, and copy to the field named TEAMID in code.gs.
Use https://api.slack.com/methods/groups.list/test to find the id of your target private channel, and copy to the field named CHANNEL_ID in code.gs
Demo of beta version 0.9 on Google Apps Script