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Release 0.4.0

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@nh13 nh13 released this 15 Nov 17:41

Release 0.4.0 introduces the following changes to existing tools:

  • CallDuplexConsensusReads
    • The single strand consensus bases and quals for each duplex consensus read are output into tags on the duplex consensus read
    • Added option to output consensus reads that are formed from only a single strand
  • FilterConsensusReads
    • New option to filter out reads with low mean base quality
    • New option to filter out reads whose minimum depth is too low
    • New option to filter duplex consensus reads where the single strand consensuses disagree
    • New optional tags will store the the single-strand consensus bases and qualities for duplex consensus reads.
  • DemuxFastqs
    • will no longer output /1 and /2 on read names when running in Illumina standards mode
    • fixed a bug causing an exception when the sample barcode is found in multiple reads (ex. i5 and i7)
  • ErrorRateByReadPosition - fixed bug that resulted in C>G errors being counted as A>G errors
  • GroupReadsByUmi
    • Reads with UMIs with Ns in them are now rejected
    • Log messages added with counts of reads filtered out by reason
    • Memory usage improvements when grouping reads at very, very high depth.
    • Supports enforcing a minimum UMI length and partial UMIs except for the paired strategy (duplex sequencing).

Finally, changes to various APIs were as follows:

  • Method in Bams to sort records by tag, or by a function applied to a tag
  • Improve speed of for loading large numbers of rows from metrics files
  • Changed SamSource to extend IterableView instead of Iterable so that map(), filter(), etc. return lazy views
  • Fixed a bug where the specified temporary directory was not being used for sorting.
  • Added a BinomialDistribution class implemented using unlimited precision decimal math which is slower, but allows computation of cumulative probabilities where other implementations overflow or underflow