- Fuen Cui, Yuchi Shi, Hao Zeng, Ziling Chen, Fanxing Yu
- Lash, Alexander
Schedule Bot is used to assist Professors/TAs/Students with office hours schedule. We seek to provide students with Professors/TAs’ availability in real-time, via discord in efforts to promote a more flexible, convenient, and faster scheduling experience
: register as TA/Professor- OptionData: Username - NUID - Role(Ta or Professor)
: Create an office hour session/Create multiple office hour- OptionData: Day of the week - Start time - End time
: Get your scheduled office hours for the week or a given day (if optionData empty, the entire week is displayed)- OptionData: Day of the week
: Get your in-person office hours for the week or a given day (if optionData empty, the entire week is displayed)- OptionData: Day of the week
: Delete your office hour if it is not reserved- OptionData: Day of the week - Start time - End time
: register as student- OptionData: Username - NUID - Role(student)
: Get available hours for the week or a given day (if optionData empty, the entire week is displayed)- OptionData: Day of the week
: Make a reservation- OptionData: Day of the week - start time - end time - Staff name - Office Hour Type
: Idicate if you are experiencing covid symptom(true if you are experiencing covid symptom; false if you are not)- OptionData: covidsymptom
: Get or set your own vaccination status(true if you are vaccinated or have a waiver, false if you are not)- OptionData: vaccinated
: Cancel the office hour you reserved- OptionData: Day of week - Start time - End time - Staff name
- 65% Line test coverage
- 65% Branch test coverage
- Bot requirement MongoDB
- Fly.io App Servers
- Gradle Build Tool
- (Optional) Deploying with Docker
- (Optional) Use other database instead of MongoDB
- Implement Service interface
- Implement GenericRepository interface
- Assign GenericRepository userRepository equal to otherSubclassDBRepository
- (Optional) Use other app servers instead of Fly.io
- See fly.toml