Async Chains like a boss, piece of cake.
npm install asyncake --save
There is only one function, here we call it asyncChain, call the function with the object or function that you want to chain and thats it.
const asyncChain = require('asyncake');
async function main () {
const t = new Calc();
const ac = await asyncChain(t).number(4).number(1).minus().number(2).self.mul().number(3).add().pop();
console.log("Result ", ac);
In this exmple number, minus, self, ... are chainanble but they are async so without asyncChain we would have to do something like this:
(await ... (await (await (await t.number(4)).number(1)).minus())...);
Async Cake solves the problem and make async chains a piece of cake to work with.
Note: asyncake also supports the catch and finally methods.
You can check the full example here