This is a boilerplate for a ReactJS, Webpack, PostgreSQL, and Express app. I call it the NERP stack (Node, Express, React, PostgreSQL).
$ git clone
$ mv -a react-webpack-boilerplate/. whateveryouwantittobenamed/
$ rm -rf react-webpack-boilerplate/
$ cd whateveryouwantittobenamed/
$ npm i
$ rm -rf .git
$ git init
$ git remote set-url origin https://YourRepoHere
$ touch .env
$ npm start
Go to localhost:3️⃣0️⃣0️⃣0️⃣/ for the app.
This project has css, image, and js loaders, which I would reccommend taking a look at those npm pages for more information.
Make sure you have the latest versions of everything, too. (node, pg, and whatnot).
- Create a PG database
- Change development conection in knexfile.js
- Change project name / description in package.json
- Change author in package.json
- Add jsx and css files under the
directory. The basic page setup is already implemented.