This is a modification of the Matlab Tide Model Driver (TMD):
Originaly developed by Laurie Padman
This wraper runs tmd_tide_pred.m
in parallel on several HDF5 files.
Some original Matlab scripts have been modified to improve performance.
Modifications include replacing loops by vectorization, and improving the I/O to allow multiple input data files and parallelization.
Modifications were made by Alex Gardner and Fernando Paolo, and they have been marked in the code.
The main script to run is (see header for documentation):
For optimal performance, merge/split the input files into N blocks, whith
N equal number of cores (even if the files end up fairly large).
To merge/split use (from captoolkit
For downloading the lasted Tide Model and TMD Matlab toolbox:
Clone the package:
Add models:
cd tmdtoolbox
mkdir DATA
# put Model_* and grid_* files into DATA
Edit the header of tidecor.m
, and run:
/Applications/Matlab2016b/bin/matlab -nodesktop < tidecor.m
The tide and load-tide corrections are applied as:
h_cor = h - tide - load
or equivalentely, the full tide correction is:
h_tide = tide + load
Fernando Paolo ([email protected])
Oct 12, 2017