All scripts will need to be edited with user's call sign with APRS identifier. Some scripts will need additional editing such as APRS-IS password, location, antenna information, or custom messages.
Send a formatted APRS message packet to APRSIS, and RF via KISS TNC/direwolf. This Script is a combination of two scripts.
both by Craig KM6LYW
The combination script was assembled and modified by Robert W9RWB
Install requirements (direwolf):
apt-get install direwolf
To install copy aprsmessage to a location in your home directory that is in your path and make the file executable.
Direwolf must be configured and running for the script to work.
aprsmessage callsignofrecipient message to recipient
GPL v2.1
This Script is a modification of two scripts.
Both by Craig KM6LYW
The new script was assembled by Robert W9RWB
The purpose is to send messages to the ISS and other APRS satellites the use ARISS via the commandline rather than using a client such as YAAC or Xastir.
read time in minutes from command line
To install copy aprsmessage to a location in your home directory that is in your path and make the file executable.
Direwolf must be configured and running for the script to work.
GPL v2.1