Note: This in wip state. ;)
Butler is a php taskrunner for creating and initialising web projects. You can define tasks for composer, git, github, docker, sftp, file operations and other things ...
Project Configuration
1. Install butler
- See: Install
2. create empty project folder
cd myProjectfolder
3. create project
$ butler project:run neos-base
This will init a complete new neos project on your host system. Cli will ask you some questions about your project like projectname.
But if you create your own project config you can create the whole infrasructure at the same time. For example setup dev and live server, deployment, github or gitlab project and deploy directly to these servers and repositories.
Example configuration:
# Init runtime data
'Set project data':
class: \Butler\Task\InputTask
task: question
projectname: 'What is the name of your Project?'
# Init project with composer
'Composer create':
class: \Butler\Task\ComposerTask
task: create
distribution: neos/neos-base-distribution
tempPath: temp
- '--no-dev'
# // ... //
'Neos kickstart site':
class: \Butler\Task\NeosTask
task: kickstartSite
context: Development
site-name: '{projectname}'
# // ...