Simulates a stateful Stripe server for local unit testing. Makes Stripe calls 50-100x faster than testing against the official server.
Stripe version mocked: 2020-08-27
Supported features:
- charges: create with the most common test tokens or customer card, retrieve, list, update, capture
- refunds: create, retrieve, list
- customers: create, retrieve, update, list, create card, retrieve card, delete card
- products: create, retrieve, list
- plans: create, retrieve, list
- prices: create, retrieve, update, list
- subscriptions: create, retrieve, list
- tax plans: create, retrieve, update, list
- connect accounts: create, delete
- idempotency
Correctness of this test server is not guaranteed! Set up unit testing to work against either the Stripe server with a test account or this mock server with a flag to switch between them. Test against the official Stripe server occasionally to ensure correctness on the fine details.
The server can be started in multiple ways but in each case it starts an HTTP server (default port is 8000) which can be connected to with any Stripe client. For example in JavaScript...
const Stripe = require("stripe");
const client = new Stripe("sk_test_foobar", {
apiVersion: "2020-08-27",
host: "localhost",
port: port,
protocol: "http"
The server supports the following settings through environment variables:
sets the log output verbosity. Values are:silent
the port to start the server on. Defaults to 8000.
Install globally: npm i -g stripe-stateful-mock
Run: node stripe-stateful-mock
Install as a development dependency: npm i -D stripe-stateful-mock
In your NPM test script: mocha --require stripe-stateful-mock/autostart
The server is implemented as an Express 4 application and can be fully controlled. This does not start the server by default.
const http = require("http");
const https = require("https");
const stripeStatefulMock = require("stripe-stateful-mock");
const app = stripeStatefulMock.createExpressApp();
https.createServer(options, app).listen(443);
This server supports a few bonus parameters to test scenarios not testable against the real server.
Use the charge source token tok_429
to get a 429 (rate limit) response from the server.
Use the charge source token tok_500
to get a 500 (server error) response from the server.
Use the charge source token tok_forget
to get a normal charge response from the server that is not saved.
Send a source token composed of multiple test tokens separated by pipes (|
) to get the response for each call in the order the tokens are composed.
The first time this charge source token is used an insufficient funds response will be sent. The second time it's used the charge will succeed with a visa transaction.
The first and second time this charge source token is used a 500 response is returned. The third time the charge will succeed with a visa transaction.
A random string is appended to the end to guarantee this sequence won't be confused for a similar test (eg tok_500|tok_500|tok_visa|hjklhjkl
) that may be running simultaneously. It's a lazy hack that accomplishes namespacing.
stripe-mock - Stripe's official mock server has better POST body checking but is stateless.
stripe-ruby-mock - Patches the Stripe Ruby client so it only works with Ruby.
mock-stripe - Written in Go and I can't be bothered.