A first-login form with questions about roleplay for GTA 5 FiveM Server
- download/clone the repository into your server
- change the values in the config file to match you server credentials
- execute the sql.sql file in your database
- rename folder "antirpquestion"
- add "- antirpquestion" in the citmp-server.yml
- Enjoy !
- Go to html/questions.js
- Add your questions like so:
{question : "your question here",
propositionA : "Choice A",
propositionB : "Choice B",
propositionC : "Choice C",
propositionD : "Choice D",
reponse : "B"}, // here put the correct answer
- In html/scripts.js you can modify the following variables:
var nbQuestionToAnswer = 10; // Number of questions to answer
var nbAnswerNeeded = 8; // Number of right answers to pass the test
var nbPossibleQuestions = 15; //number of questions in questions.js