This is a must-use plugin used via composer, plugin activation not required.
Call function frc_asset($file)
. For example:
wp_enqueue_style('styles', frc_asset('styles/main.css'));
Available methods:
Casting frc_asset($file)
to a string will return asset's URI.
Optional configuration using add_theme_support
add_theme_support('frc-assets', [
'root' => 'asset', // Root folder name for distributed assets
'file' => 'assets.json', // Assetmanifest's file name
'path' => get_theme_file_path('<root>'), // Full path to root folder
'uri' => get_theme_file_uri("<roo>"), // Full URI to root folder
'manifest' => '<path>/<file>', // Full path to manifest file
'addHashToFilename' => false, // If using laravel mix you can opt to use the hash from query string in filename and get better caching from cdn's and nginx
If using 'addHashToFilename' the manifest file should be in the following format with hash length of 20.
"/scripts/main.js": "/scripts/main.js?id=a91004e635bd357e16e6"
And you should have the following in you nginx.conf this strips the added "hash.a91004e635bd357e16e6" from the filename when a request is made
location ~ "^(.+)(hash\.[0-9a-f]{20})\.(js|css|ttf|eot|woff2?|png|jpe?g|gif|svg|ico)$" {
add_header Cache-Control "public";
expires 10y;
try_files $uri $1$3 =404;
access_log off;
all of these work..
/GET /scripts/main.hash.a91004e635bd357e16e6.js => /scripts/main.js
/GET /scripts/main.a91004e635bd357e16e6.js => /scripts/main.a91004e635bd357e16e6.js
/GET /scripts/main.hash.js => /scripts/main.hash.js
/GET /scripts/main.js => /scripts/main.js