Get all public Instagram feed by #Hashtag
please keep in your mind
If you want to use it as a commercial please support me a beer or coffee (my wife drink a lot) :P
FYI. This project has made and used in a few years ago to support my personal wedding. all code and some logic will look messy.
FYI2. I will happy if has anyone can improve this project and make a pull request back to me
- Get all #Hastag Instagram public feed
- Create a new image map with template and Print it out
This Project's designed to run in Raspberry Pi3 with Docker service
based on laravel 5.3
but you can use this project with PC
or WTF any platform
but you have to provide all package down here to my kid :)
- PHP SQLite
- PHP Imagick
- CUPS (control printer service)
- CronJOB
FYI. if I missing some stuff please update this note by open Pull Request
Get instagram feed by using this command
php artisan instagram:feed
Print Image, this method will return print command please pipe it to shell to allow server execute it
php artisan instagram:print | sh
Cron script example (Write it from my memory not sure is it work)
# for normal server with php installed
* * * * * php artisan instagram:feed && php artisan instagram:print | sh
# for docker user
* * * * * docker exec bash -c "cd {path} && php artisan instagram:feed && php artisan instagram:print" | sh