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Log viewer for Symfony

Inspired by opcodesio/log-viewer for Laravel log-viewer

Log Viewer: a bundle for your Symfony app. It provides a user-friendly UI to read, filter and search log files.

Out of the box it will read your Monolog logs in the var/log directory, but can be configured to read logs from any directory.


  • 📂 View all the Monolog logs in the %kernel.logs_dir% directory,
  • 📂 View other types of logs - Apache, Nginx, or custom logs,
  • 🔍 Search the logs,
  • 🔍 Filter by log level (error, info, debug, etc.), by channel, date range or log content inclusion or exclusion,
  • 🔍 Search multiple log files at once,
  • 🌑 Dark mode,
  • 🕑 Present log entries in your local timezone,
  • 🖥️ Multiple host support,
  • 💾 Download or delete log files from the UI,
  • ☎️ API access for folders, files & log entries,

Getting started


  • PHP 8.1+
  • Symfony 6.0+ or 7.0+


Use composer.

composer require fdekker/log-viewer-bundle

If you don't use Symfony Flex, you'll need to manually enable the bundle:

# /config/bundles.php
return [
    // ...
    FD\LogViewer\FDLogViewerBundle::class => ['all' => true],

And add the route by creating file /config/routes/fd_log_viewer.php:

use Symfony\Component\Routing\Loader\Configurator\RoutingConfigurator;

return static function (RoutingConfigurator $routingConfigurator): void {
    $routingConfigurator->import('.', 'fd_symfony_log_viewer')->prefix('/log-viewer');

Ensure access to your logs are secure by adding the line below to /config/packages/security.php:

return static function (SecurityConfig $security): void {

After installing the package, publish the front-end assets by running:

php bin/console assets:install


Once the installation is complete, you will be able to access Log Viewer directly in your browser.

By default, it is available at: /log-viewer on your domain.


Default configuration: (Configuration reference)

    home_route: null

            type: monolog
            name: Monolog
                in: "%kernel.logs_dir%"
                name: "*.log"
                depth: '== 0'
                ignoreUnreadableDirs: true
                followLinks: false
            downloadable: false
            deletable: false
            start_of_line_pattern: '/^\[\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}[^]]*]\s+\S+\.\S+:/'
            log_message_pattern: '/^\[(?P<date>[^\]]+)\]\s+(?P<channel>[^\.]+)\.(?P<severity>[^:]+):\s+(?P<message>.*)\s+(?P<context>[[{].*?[\]}])\s+(?P<extra>[[{].*?[\]}])\s+$/s'
            date_format: null

            name: Local
            host: null

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