- Extensions
- Settings Profile
- settings.json
- keybindings.json
Get Extension IDs into a text file.
Example Usage:
code --list-extensions >> extensions-list-20231107.txt
Example Usage (with reference to specific vscode settings profile):
code --profile "General Work Laptop" --list-extensions >> extensions-list-20231107.txt
macOS (specific vscode settings profile, either "Default" or custom "General Work Laptop"):
Code (Application Name, next to Apple Symbol) --> Settings... --> Profiles (General Work Laptop) --> Export Profile... --> Export (button) --> Export (button) --> Export (as Local file)
NOTE: my "Default" profile is not really default. Still contains "Dev Containers" and "Docker" vscode extensions.
Cmd + ,
Top Right Corner, File Logo with Arrow for "Open Settings (JSON)"
File Path (for default installs):
~/Library/Application Support/Code/User/settings.json
Example Usage (macOS Terminal - copy settings.json to current directory):
cp ~/Library/"Application Support"/Code/User/settings.json .
Cmd+K Cmd+S
Top Right Corner, File Logo with Arrow for "Open Keyboard Shortcuts (JSON)"
File Path (for default installs):
~/Library/Application Support/Code/User/keybindings.json
Example Usage (macOS Terminal - copy keybindings.json to current directory):
cp ~/Library/"Application Support"/Code/User/keybindings.json .
Cmd + Shift + P
> Settings Sync: Configure
> Settings Sync: Show Synced Data
Can Sync to GitHub or Microsoft