contains code related to Mininet questions(3 and 4)
contains TCP scripts for questions 1 and 2
contains UDP scripts for question 1
contains all screenshots used in the report
These are the txt files available on the server(the 5 books).
Non-persistent TCP client used for Mininet questions
Python script for questions 3e) and 3f).
Python script for question 3j)
Python script for question 4
Thread model server used for Mininet questions
Shell script to start 5 non-persistent clients at the same time for question 2d)
Persistent TCP client
Non-persistent TCP client
Persistent TCP server
Non-persistent TCP server
Fork model TCP server
Thread model TCP server
Persistent UDP client
Non-persistent UDP client
Persistent UDP server
Non-persistent UDP server
Assignment report
Instructions on how to run the scripts for each question are provided in the report(18110041_Assignment_4_report.pdf) and is also mentioned in each python script itself. Most scripts also print the correct usage if you use it incorrectly.
Note: Make sure Mininet Python package is installed.