#Full Stack Dev test
The goal is to show a in a web view the avaiability of each location of City Bikes in Miami FL stations. For this project we will be using NodeJS / Socket IO / React and LeafLet Maps. For the data we are extracting availability from https://citybik.es/ to build the app.
- Complete the code to show in map via socket.io the availability of bikes at each station.
- Generate a PR to submit your code.
##Requirements (Node Modules)
- Nodejs & NPM
- Express.js / Socket IO / Axios
- React / React-Leaflet
##Folder Structure
There are two parts for the web app:
The server
cd /citibike-server
This is the node socket.io Server app to start :
node server.js
Then run the client app
cd /citibike-client
That is the client React Application to start :
npm strat