Project Management App is an application which helps a team of developers to track project's tasks.
- React
- TypeScript
- React Router
- React Bootstrap, SASS
- React Hook Form
- React Beautiful DnD
- Vite
- boards display in a grid with a board preview
- accessible confirmation modal window on creation, editing, and deletion of a board, a column, a task
- drag & drop for tasks reordering, moving to other columns, and columns reordering
- user registration, authentication & authorization
- editing & deletion of a user profile
- accessible log-in forms with validation
- routes protection
- redirects to the Main page on log-in, or when a user's token expires, or when a user is logged in and tries to reach the log-in form
- a column with a scrollbar in case of tasks overflow
- a header with a changing set of buttons:
- "Sign up" & "Sign in" for unregistered users,
- "Create board", "Edit Profile", "Main page", and "Sign out" for logged-in users
- custom 404 page
- custom scrollbars
- user-friendly toast notifications
- adaptive & responsive layout, burger menu
Deployed version is here.
npm install
npm start
A backend part of the app is developed using NodeJS & Express, and is also deployed. The source code can be found here.