- Step 0: form a team of 2-3 members
- Step 1: give your team a name
- Step 2: get a github account for each member
- Step 3: one person per team forks the CC-Summer-2016 repository
- Step 4: add the other team members to your fork as collaborators
- Step 5: each team member clones that fork
- Step 6: check out the branch selfie-master
- Step 7: add a new file called TEAM to this branch
- Step 8: list the name of your team as well as your names in the TEAM file
- Step 9: implement solutions of assignments in this branch as well (see below)
- Step 10: commit regularly and push your changes to your fork
- Step 11: to submit solutions send pull requests from your fork via github.com to selfie-master
All homework solutions:
- must be implemented in C* in the selfie.c file,
- must compile without warnings and execute with selfie,
- must not break any existing selfie functionality, and
- must be ready for presentation on your machine in class.
Deadline: March 10, 10am (hard, no extensions)
Suppose your team name is TheCompilables. Change selfie such that it prints "This is TheCompilables Selfie" in a separate line on the console before doing anything else. All other functionality should be unaffected.