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mbbarbosa-lectures committed May 16, 2024
1 parent 08b34df commit 071b898
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Showing 4 changed files with 232 additions and 122 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion crypto-specs
129 changes: 9 additions & 120 deletions proof/correctness/avx2/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ require import MLKEM_avx2_equivs.
require import Montgomery16.
require import AVX2_Ops.

require import MLKEM_genmatrix_avx2.

import GFq Rq Sampling Serialization Symmetric VecMat InnerPKE MLKEM Fq Correctness.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -333,133 +334,21 @@ phoare nttunpack_corr a :
[ Jkem_avx2.M(Jkem_avx2.Syscall)._nttunpack : arg = a ==> res = nttunpack a] = 1%r.
conseq _nttunpack_ll (nttunpack_corr_h a) => />. qed.
hoare matrix_bound_aux :
AuxMLKEM.__gen_matrix : true ==> pos_bound2304_cxq res 0 2304 2.
proc. seq 3 : true; 1: by auto.
auto => /> &hr.
rewrite /unlift_matrix /pos_bound2304_cxq => k kb.
rewrite initiE 1:/# /=. rewrite /smod /=; smt(qE Zq.rg_asint).
hoare matrix_bound :
M(Syscall).__gen_matrix : 0 <= to_uint transposed <2 ==> pos_bound2304_cxq res 0 2304 2.
conseq auxgenmatrix_good matrix_bound_aux.
move => /> &1 H H0; exists (seed{1}, to_uint transposed{1} = 1) => /=.
- rewrite W64.to_uint_eq.
by have [] -> : (to_uint transposed{1} = 0 \/ to_uint transposed{1} = 1) by smt().
by smt().
equiv genmatrixequiv b :
Jkem_avx2.M(Jkem_avx2.Syscall)._gen_matrix_avx2 ~ Jkem.M(Jkem.Syscall).__gen_matrix :
arg{1}.`2 = arg{2}.`1 /\ arg{1}.`3= (W64.of_int (b2i b)) /\ arg{2}.`2 = (W64.of_int (b2i b)) ==>
res{1} = nttunpackm res{2} /\
pos_bound2304_cxq res{1} 0 2304 2 /\
pos_bound2304_cxq res{2} 0 2304 2.
admitted. (* This should be proved by showing that this function is implementing
parse, as defined in crypto_specs/mlkem/properties/
We know Parse(XOF).sample implements this, and therefore also
Jkem.M(Jkem.Syscall).__gen_matrix *)
have H : equiv [
Jkem.M(Jkem.Syscall).__gen_matrix ~ Jkem_avx2.M(Jkem_avx2.Syscall).__gen_matrix :
={arg} ==> res{2} = nttunpackm res{1}].
proc. seq 11 11 : (={r}).
sim (M(Syscall)._shake128_absorb34 ~ Jkem_avx2.M(Jkem_avx2.Syscall)._shake128_absorb34 : true)
(M(Syscall)._shake128_squeezeblock ~ Jkem_avx2.M(Jkem_avx2.Syscall)._shake128_squeezeblock : true)
(Jkem_avx2.M(Jkem_avx2.Syscall).__rej_uniform ~
Jkem.M(Jkem.Syscall).__gen_matrix : true).
apply shake128_equiv_absorb.
apply shake128_equiv_squeezeblock.
while {2} (0 <= i{2} <= 3 /\
(forall ki,
0 <= ki < i{2}*768 => r{2}.[ki] =
(nttunpackm r{1}).[ki]) /\
(forall ki,
i{2}*768 <= ki < 3*768 => r{2}.[ki] = r{1}.[ki])) (3-i{2});
last by auto => />; smt(Array2304.tP).
move => &1 ?;wp.
while (0 <= j <= 3 /\ 0<=i<3 /\
(forall ki,
0 <= ki < i*768 + j*256 => r.[ki] =
(nttunpackm r{1}).[ki]) /\
(forall ki,
i*768 + j*256 <= ki < 3*768 => r.[ki] = r{1}.[ki])) (3 - j);
last by auto => />; smt(Array2304.tP).
move => ?; wp.
exists* r, i, j; elim *=> _r _i _j.
call (nttunpack_corr (Array256.init (fun (i_0 : int) => _r.[_i * (3 * 256) + _j * 256 + i_0]))).
auto => />???????. do split; 1,2:smt().
+ move => ki kibl kibh; rewrite initiE 1:/# /=.
case (_i * 768 + _j * 256 <= ki && ki < _i * 768 + _j * 256 + 256);
last by smt().
move => *; rewrite initiE 1:/# /=.
case (0<= ki < 768).
+ move => *; rewrite /nttunpackv initiE 1:/# /=.
case (0<= ki < 256).
+ move => *; rewrite /subarray256 /subarray768.
congr; last by smt().
congr; rewrite tP => k kb.
by rewrite !initiE 1,2:/# /= initiE /#.
case (256<= ki < 512).
+ move => *; rewrite /subarray256 /subarray768.
congr; last by smt().
congr; rewrite tP => k kb.
by rewrite !initiE 1,2:/# /= initiE /#.
move => *; rewrite /subarray256 /subarray768.
congr; last by smt().
congr; rewrite tP => k kb.
by rewrite !initiE 1,2:/# /= initiE /#.
case (768<= ki < 1536).
+ move => /= *; rewrite /nttunpackv initiE 1:/# /=.
case (0<= ki -768 < 256).
+ move => *; rewrite /subarray256 /subarray768.
congr; last by smt().
congr; rewrite tP => k kb.
by rewrite !initiE 1,2:/# /= initiE /#.
case (256<= ki - 768 < 512).
+ move => *; rewrite /subarray256 /subarray768.
congr; last by smt().
congr; rewrite tP => k kb.
by rewrite !initiE 1,2:/# /= initiE /#.
move => *; rewrite /subarray256 /subarray768.
congr; last by smt().
congr; rewrite tP => k kb.
by rewrite !initiE 1,2:/# /= initiE /#.
+ move => /= *; rewrite /nttunpackv initiE 1:/# /=.
case (0<= ki -1536 < 256).
+ move => *; rewrite /subarray256 /subarray768.
congr; last by smt().
congr; rewrite tP => k kb.
by rewrite !initiE 1,2:/# /= initiE /#.
case (256<= ki - 1536 < 512).
+ move => *; rewrite /subarray256 /subarray768.
congr; last by smt().
congr; rewrite tP => k kb.
by rewrite !initiE 1,2:/# /= initiE /#.
move => *; rewrite /subarray256 /subarray768.
congr; last by smt().
congr; rewrite tP => k kb.
by rewrite !initiE 1,2:/# /= initiE /#.
+ by smt(Array768.initiE Array2304.initiE).
by smt().
conseq (: _ ==> res{2} = nttunpackm res{1} /\ pos_bound2304_cxq res{1} 0 2304 2).
+ move => [#] &1 &2 H1 r1 r2 [-> H5]; do split => //.
rewrite /pos_bound2304_cxq /nttunpackm => k kb.
rewrite initiE 1:/# /=.
case (0<=k<768); 1: by
move => ?;
move : (nttunpackv_pred (subarray768 r1 0) (fun a => W16extra.bpos16 a (2*q))); rewrite !allP /=; smt(Array768.initiE).
case (768<=k<1536); 1: by
move => ?;
move : (nttunpackv_pred (subarray768 r1 1) (fun a => W16extra.bpos16 a (2*q))); rewrite !allP /=; smt(Array768.initiE).
move => ?;
move : (nttunpackv_pred (subarray768 r1 2) (fun a => W16extra.bpos16 a (2*q))); rewrite !allP /=; smt(Array768.initiE).
conseq H matrix_bound => //=. smt(@W64).
proc* => /=.
transitivity {2} { r <@ AuxMLKEM.__gen_matrix(seed,b); }
( rho{1} = seed{2} /\ transposed{1} = (of_int (b2i b))%W64 /\ transposed{2} = (of_int (b2i b))%W64 ==> r{1} = nttunpackm r{2} /\ pos_bound2304_cxq r{1} 0 2304 2 /\ pos_bound2304_cxq r{2} 0 2304 2 )
( seed{1} = seed{2} /\ transposed{1} = (of_int (b2i b))%W64 /\ transposed{2} = (of_int (b2i b))%W64==> ={r});1,2:smt().
+ call (genmatrixequiv_aux b); 1: by auto => />.
by symmetry;call (auxgenmatrix_good); auto => /> /#.
lemma lift768_nttunpack (v : W16.t Array768.t):
lift_array768 (nttunpackv v) = nttunpackv (lift_array768 v).
rewrite /lift_array768 /nttunpackv tP => k kb.
Expand Down
221 changes: 221 additions & 0 deletions proof/correctness/avx2/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
require import AllCore.
from Jasmin require import JModel.

require import Array16 Array25 Array32 Array33 Array128 Array136 Array256 Array768 Array960 Array1088 Array2304.

require import MLKEM_InnerPKE NTT_avx2 MLKEMFCLib.

import NTT_Avx2.

require import Jkem_avx2 Jkem.

import GFq Rq Sampling Serialization Symmetric VecMat InnerPKE MLKEM Fq Correctness.
import PolyMat.
import KMatrix.Matrix.

module HmoduleLow = {
proc __gen_matrix(sd : W8.t Array32.t, trans : bool) : W16.t Array2304.t = {
var aa : polymat;
if (trans) {
aa <@ Hmodule.sampleAT(sd);
else {
aa <@ Hmodule.sampleA(sd);
return (unlift_matrix aa);

equiv Hmodule_connection :
HmoduleLow.__gen_matrix ~ AuxMLKEM.__gen_matrix :
={arg} ==> ={res}.
case (trans{1});last first.
+ rcondf{1} 1; 1: by auto.
inline {1} 1;wp.
conseq (: _ ==> ={a}) => //.
while (0<=i{1}<=kvec /\ sd0{1} = seed{2} /\ ={trans,i} /\ !trans{1} /\
(forall kk jj, 0<=kk<i{1} => 0<=jj<kvec => a{1}.[kk,jj] = a{2}.[kk,jj])%PolyMat);
last by auto => />;smt(eq_matrixP getmE).
wp;conseq />;1:smt().
while (0<=i{1}<kvec /\ 0<=j{1}<=kvec /\ sd0{1} = seed{2} /\ ={trans,i,j} /\ !trans{1} /\
(forall kk jj, 0<=kk<i{1} => 0<=jj<kvec => a{1}.[kk,jj] = a{2}.[kk,jj])%PolyMat /\
(forall kk, 0<=kk<j{1} => a{1}.[i{1},kk] = a{2}.[i{1},kk])%PolyMat);
last by auto => />;smt(getmE).
inline XOF.init; sp;wp.
exlim rho{2}, i0{2}, j0{2} => _rho _i _j.
call {2} (parse_sem (SHAKE128_ABSORB_34 _rho (W8.of_int _i) (W8.of_int _j)) _rho (W8.of_int _i) (W8.of_int _j)).
by auto => />;smt(setmE getmE offunmE tofunmK).
rcondt{1} 1; 1: by auto.
inline {1} 1;wp.
conseq (: _ ==> ={a}) => //.
while (0<=i{1}<=kvec /\ sd0{1} = seed{2} /\ ={trans,i} /\ trans{1} /\
(forall kk jj, 0<=kk<i{1} => 0<=jj<kvec => a{1}.[kk,jj] = a{2}.[kk,jj])%PolyMat);
last by auto => />;smt(eq_matrixP getmE).
wp;conseq />;1:smt().
while (0<=i{1}<kvec /\ 0<=j{1}<=kvec /\ sd0{1} = seed{2} /\ ={trans,i,j} /\ trans{1} /\
(forall kk jj, 0<=kk<i{1} => 0<=jj<kvec => a{1}.[kk,jj] = a{2}.[kk,jj])%PolyMat /\
(forall kk, 0<=kk<j{1} => a{1}.[i{1},kk] = a{2}.[i{1},kk])%PolyMat);
last by auto => />;smt(getmE).
inline XOF.init; sp;wp.
exlim rho{2}, i0{2}, j0{2} => _rho _i _j.
call {2} (parse_sem (SHAKE128_ABSORB_34 _rho (W8.of_int _i) (W8.of_int _j)) _rho (W8.of_int _i) (W8.of_int _j)).
by auto => />;smt(setmE getmE offunmE tofunmK).

phoare Hmodule_low_sem _sd b :
[ HmoduleLow.__gen_matrix : arg=(_sd,b) ==> res = if b
then unlift_matrix (trmx (sampleA _sd))
else unlift_matrix (sampleA _sd) ] = 1%r.
proc;case trans;last first.
+ rcondf 1;1: by auto.
by call (sampleA_sem _sd);auto => />.
rcondt 1;1: by auto.
call (sampleAT_sem _sd);auto => />.

phoare nttunpack_corr a :
[ Jkem_avx2.M(Jkem_avx2.Syscall)._nttunpack : arg = a ==> res = nttunpack a] = 1%r.
admitted. (* proved in indcpa *)

timeout 1.
phoare _gen_matrix_avx2_sem _sd b :
[ Jkem_avx2.M(Jkem_avx2.Syscall)._gen_matrix_avx2 : arg.`2 = _sd /\ arg.`3 = W64.of_int (b2i b)
==> res = if b
then nttunpackm (unlift_matrix (trmx (sampleA _sd)))
else nttunpackm (unlift_matrix (sampleA _sd)) ] = 1%r.
proc => /=.
while (0<=i<=3 /\
((forall kk, 0 <= kk < i => subarray768 matrix kk = nttunpackv (subarray768 (unlift_matrix (if b then trmx (sampleA _sd) else (sampleA _sd))) kk))) /\
(forall kk, i <= kk < 3 => subarray768 matrix kk = (subarray768 (unlift_matrix (if b then trmx (sampleA _sd) else (sampleA _sd))) kk))) (kvec-i).
+ move => *;wp => />;1:smt().
while (0<=i<3 /\ 0 <= j <= 3 /\
((forall kk, 0 <= kk < i => subarray768 matrix kk = nttunpackv (subarray768 (unlift_matrix (if b then trmx (sampleA _sd) else (sampleA _sd))) kk))) /\
(forall kk, i+1 <= kk < 3 => subarray768 matrix kk = (subarray768 (unlift_matrix (if b then trmx (sampleA _sd) else (sampleA _sd))) kk)) /\
(forall kk, 0 <= kk < j => subarray256 (subarray768 matrix i) kk = nttunpack (subarray256 (subarray768 (unlift_matrix (if b then trmx (sampleA _sd) else (sampleA _sd))) i) kk)) /\
(forall kk, j <= kk < 3 => subarray256 (subarray768 matrix i) kk = subarray256 (subarray768 (unlift_matrix (if b then trmx (sampleA _sd) else (sampleA _sd))) i) kk)) (kvec-j); last first.
+ auto => /> &hr ?? H H0 ?;do split;1..3:smt().
+ move => j0 m;do split;1:smt().
move => ??? H1 H2 H3 H4;do split;1,2,4..:smt().
move => kk kkbl kkbh;case(kk=i{hr});2: by smt().
move => ->;rewrite /nttunpackv /= tP => ii iib.
rewrite !initiE //=.
case(0 <= ii && ii < 256).
+ by move => kb;rewrite -H3 1:/# initiE //= initiE /#.
case(256 <= ii && ii < 512).
+ by move => ?kb;rewrite -H3 1:/# initiE 1:/# //= initiE /#.
by move => ?kb;rewrite -H3 1:/# initiE 1:/# //= initiE /#.
move => *.
exlim matrix, i, j => _m _i _j.
wp;call(nttunpack_corr ((init (fun (i_0 : int) => _m.[_i * (3 * 256) + _j * 256 + i_0]))%Array256)).
auto => /> ?? H H0 H1 H2 H3 H4 ?;do split; 1,2,7..:smt().
+ move => ii??.
rewrite tP => kk kkb.
have -> : (subarray768
(fun (i_0 : int) =>
if _i * 768 + _j * 256 <= i_0 && i_0 < _i * 768 + _j * 256 + 256 then
(nttunpack ((init (fun (i_0_0 : int) => _m.[_i * 768 + _j * 256 + i_0_0])))%Array256).[
i_0 - (_i * 768 + _j * 256)]
else _m.[i_0])))%Array2304 ii) =
subarray768 _m ii; last by smt().
by rewrite tP => jj jjb; rewrite !initiE //= initiE 1:/# /= ifF 1:/#.
+ move => ii iibl iibh.
have -> : (subarray768
(fun (i_0 : int) =>
if _i * 768 + _j * 256 <= i_0 && i_0 < _i * 768 + _j * 256 + 256 then
(nttunpack ((init (fun (i_0_0 : int) => _m.[_i * 768 + _j * 256 + i_0_0])))%Array256).[
i_0 - (_i * 768 + _j * 256)]
else _m.[i_0])))%Array2304 ii) =
subarray768 _m ii; last by smt().
by rewrite tP => jj jjb; rewrite !initiE //= initiE 1:/# /= ifF 1:/#.
+ move => ii iibl iibh.
case (ii = _j); last first.
+ move => iibb;rewrite -H3 1:/#.
rewrite /subarray256 /subarray768 tP => *.
by rewrite !initiE //= !initiE //= 1,2:/# initiE /#.
move => ->.
rewrite /subarray256 /subarray768 tP => *.
rewrite initiE //= initiE 1:/# /= initiE 1:/# /= ifT 1:/#;congr;2:smt().
congr;rewrite tP => i0 i0b; rewrite !initiE 1,2:/# /= initiE 1:/# /=.
move : (H4 _j _); 1:smt().
rewrite tP => H4u.
move : (H4u i0 _);1:smt().
by smt(Array768.initiE Array256.initiE).

+ move => ii iibl iibh.
rewrite -H4 1:/#.
rewrite /subarray256 /subarray768 tP => *.
by rewrite initiE //= initiE 1:/# /= initiE 1:/# /= ifF 1:/# initiE 1:/# /= initiE /#.

wp 15;conseq (_: (forall kk, 0 <= kk < 3 => subarray768 matrix kk = (subarray768 (unlift_matrix (if b then trmx (sampleA _sd) else (sampleA _sd))) kk))).
move =>/> m0 H; split;1:smt().
case b => hb.
+ move => i1 m1 *; split;1: smt().
move => ???H0 H1.
rewrite /nttunpackm tP => k kb; rewrite !initiE //=.
case (0 <= k && k < 768).
+ by move => kbb;rewrite -H0 1:/# /subarray768 initiE 1:/# /=.
case (768 <= k && k < 1536).
+ by move =>? kbb;rewrite -H0 1:/# /subarray768 initiE 1:/# /=.
by move =>? kbb;rewrite -H0 1:/# /subarray768 initiE 1:/# /=.
move => i1 m1 *; split;1: smt().
move => ???H0 H1.
rewrite /nttunpackm tP => k kb; rewrite !initiE //=.
case (0 <= k && k < 768).
+ by move => kbb;rewrite -H0 1:/# /subarray768 initiE 1:/# /=.
case (768 <= k && k < 1536).
+ by move =>? kbb;rewrite -H0 1:/# /subarray768 initiE 1:/# /=.
by move =>? kbb;rewrite -H0 1:/# /subarray768 initiE 1:/# /=.


equiv genmatrixequiv_aux b :
Jkem_avx2.M(Jkem_avx2.Syscall)._gen_matrix_avx2 ~ AuxMLKEM.__gen_matrix :
rho{1} = seed{2} /\ transposed{1} = (of_int (b2i b))%W64 /\ trans{2} = b ==>
res{1} = nttunpackm res{2} /\ pos_bound2304_cxq res{1} 0 2304 2 /\ pos_bound2304_cxq res{2} 0 2304 2.
proc* => //.
transitivity {2} { r <@ HmoduleLow.__gen_matrix(seed,trans); }
(rho{1} = seed{2} /\ transposed{1} = (W64.of_int (b2i b)) /\ trans{2} = b ==>
r{1} = nttunpackm r{2} /\ pos_bound2304_cxq r{1} 0 2304 2 /\ pos_bound2304_cxq r{2} 0 2304 2)
(={seed,trans} ==> ={r});1,2:smt();last by call Hmodule_connection => />.
ecall {2} (Hmodule_low_sem seed{2} trans{2}) => /=.
ecall {1} (_gen_matrix_avx2_sem rho{1} trans{2}) => /=.
auto => /> &1;split;1:smt().
split; 2: by smt(matrix_unlift).
rewrite /nttunpack /nttunpackm.
rewrite /pos_bound2304_cxq => k kb.
case b => Hb.
+ rewrite !initiE //=.
case (0<= k < 768).
+ move => kbb; have : (all (fun (c : W16.t) => 0 <= to_sint c && to_sint c < 2 * q)
(nttunpackv (subarray768 (unlift_matrix (trmx (sampleA seed{1}))) 0))); last by smt(Array768.allP).
rewrite nttunpackv_pred allP => kk kkb /=; rewrite /subarray768 initiE //=.
by smt(matrix_unlift).
case (768<= k < 1536).
+ move => ? kbb; have : (all (fun (c : W16.t) => 0 <= to_sint c && to_sint c < 2 * q)
(nttunpackv (subarray768 (unlift_matrix (trmx (sampleA seed{1}))) 1))); last by smt(Array768.allP).
rewrite nttunpackv_pred allP => kk kkb /=; rewrite /subarray768 initiE //=.
by smt(matrix_unlift).
move => ??; have : (all (fun (c : W16.t) => 0 <= to_sint c && to_sint c < 2 * q)
(nttunpackv (subarray768 (unlift_matrix (trmx (sampleA seed{1}))) 2))); last by smt(Array768.allP).
rewrite nttunpackv_pred allP => kk kkb /=; rewrite /subarray768 initiE //=.
by smt(matrix_unlift).
+ rewrite !initiE //=.
case (0<= k < 768).
+ move => kbb; have : (all (fun (c : W16.t) => 0 <= to_sint c && to_sint c < 2 * q)
(nttunpackv (subarray768 (unlift_matrix ( (sampleA seed{1}))) 0))); last by smt(Array768.allP).
rewrite nttunpackv_pred allP => kk kkb /=; rewrite /subarray768 initiE //=.
by smt(matrix_unlift).
case (768<= k < 1536).
+ move => ? kbb; have : (all (fun (c : W16.t) => 0 <= to_sint c && to_sint c < 2 * q)
(nttunpackv (subarray768 (unlift_matrix ( (sampleA seed{1}))) 1))); last by smt(Array768.allP).
rewrite nttunpackv_pred allP => kk kkb /=; rewrite /subarray768 initiE //=.
by smt(matrix_unlift).
move => ??; have : (all (fun (c : W16.t) => 0 <= to_sint c && to_sint c < 2 * q)
(nttunpackv (subarray768 (unlift_matrix ( (sampleA seed{1}))) 2))); last by smt(Array768.allP).
rewrite nttunpackv_pred allP => kk kkb /=; rewrite /subarray768 initiE //=.
by smt(matrix_unlift).

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