[NOT MAINTAINED] This project is discontinued respectively I don't maintain it anymore.
ionic-swing is a fork of the following projects intended to add the swipeable cards capatibilies to Ionic (>= 2)
To install this library, run:
$ npm install ionic-swing --save
In your app.module.ts, import the library like following:
import {IonicSwingModule} from 'ionic-swing';
and add it to your imports:
imports: [
To implement a card stack, follow the example provided by angular2-swing https://github.com/ksachdeva/angular2-swing
Or you could find also another example in my mobile application Fluster, see the following page and module https://github.com/fluster/fluster-app/tree/master/src/app/pages/browse/items/items
In Ionic v4, in order to access the stack and cards as ViewChild
and ViewChildren
, it's mandatory to use the keyword read
to identify correctly the elements
<div swingStack #swingStack>
<ion-card swingCard #swingCards>
@ViewChild('swingStack', {read: SwingStackDirective}) swingStack: SwingStackDirective;
@ViewChildren('swingCards', {read: SwingCardDirective}) swingCards: QueryList<SwingCardDirective>;
This library need hammerjs
but isn't shipped with it because some framework, like Ionic v3
, already include it in their own resources. If it isn't your case, you would need to install hammerjs
in your project
$ npm install hammerjs --save
and add the following line to your app.component.ts
import 'hammerjs';
If you would face the error ReferenceError: global is not defined at ionic-swing.js
at runtime, this could be fixed by declaring the window
to the global scope. To do so add you could add the following to your polyfill.ts
(window as any).global = window;
To generate the library using ng-packagr (https://github.com/dherges/ng-packagr)
$ npm run packagr
To test locally
$ cd dist
$ npm pack
$ cd /your-project-path/
$ npm install /relative-path-to-local-ionic-swing/dist/ionic-swing-0.0.0.tgz
MIT © David Dal Busco