SiMoN is a semi-standalone morphological parser for the Sicilian language. It's purpose is to act as an extension to AnIta Italian morphological parser and provide Sicilian morphological paradigms for processing in parallel to Italian The underlying technology are finite state transducers, namely the implementation of the Helsinki Finite State Transducer(HFST) project. The notation format used is the XFST syntax.
Currently supported is the morphology of regular verbal conjugation with a lexicon of roughly 60 regular verbs plus an automatically extracted list of ~300 verbs from wikipedia (unchecked).
The documentation for SiMoN can be found either in doc/ (development versions) or as PDF (for release versions)
SiMoN 1.0.1
Minor release
- update setup instructions for HFST Project (new Download page with binaries)
- remove revision control files (GIT) from bundle archive
SiMoN 1.0
Initial puplic release including regular verbal morphology
- auxiliary verbs fari, siri/essiri, aviri