Version: 0.2
Date: May 7, 2009
A sample Python client library for interacting with the On2 Flix Cloud API.
See for more details about the API.
Create FlixCloud.Job object, set parameters and send the request using "send" method. If registartion is successful "send" method will return True (and set "success" attribute to True). If failure occurs, "success" will be set to False and in the "error" list you will find error messages.
API key is required and can be found in your Dashboard at
Recipe ID or Recipe NAME is required and can be found in your Dashboard at
**For files (input, output, watermark) url is required. You can also set user & password if needed.
import FlixCloud
job_req = FlixCloud.Job('api_key') # API key required
job_req.recipe_id = 3 # Set recipe id or recipe name
job_req.set_input('') # input file location
job_req.set_output('', 'user', 'password') # output file location (and user & password)
job_req.set_watermark('') #watermark file location
job_req.send() # send request
if job_req.success: # registration successful
print # registered job id
print job_req.initialized_job_at # registered job initialization time
else: # registration failure
for error in job_req.errors: # see errors
print error
import FlixCloud
params = {
'recipe_name' : 'mpg2avi', # recipe name can be used instead of recipe id
'input_url' : '',
'output_url' : '',
'output_user' : 'ftp_user',
'output_password' : 'ftp_pass',
'watermark_url' : 'http:///watermark.png',
'send' : True # if send param is set to True there is no need to run send method
job_req = FlixCloud.Job('api_key', params) # API key and params are given
if job_req.success: # registration successful
print # registered job id
print job_req.initialized_job_at # registered job initialization time
else: # registration failure
for error in job_req.errors: # see errors
print error
The JobNotification class parses XML message sent from FlixCloud when a job is completed (or something went wrong).
Notification URL must be set in
import FlixCloud
notification = FlixCloud.JobNotification(xml_msg)
if notification.state == 'successful_job':
print notification.output_media_file.url
print notification.output_media_file.cost
print notification.input_media_file.url
print notification.input_media_file.cost
# etc.
elif notification.state == 'cancelled_job'
# Action if job is cancelled
elif notification.state == 'failed_job'
print notification.error_message
Creating jobs sends HTTP requests to Flix Cloud, which may take some time. It's best to do this asynchronously in your application.
Copyright (c) 2009 On2 Technologies, Inc. See LICENSE for details.