This project inspired on syte, but using PHP and Markdown to manage posts
curl -s | php
composer.phar create-project flaviozantut/skorry skorry
cd skorry
php artisan post:make
php artisan serve
* open app/config/skorry.php
* and replace to your informations
return array(
| Titles
'title' => 'Flávio Zantut',
'subtitle' => 'Web Developer',
| Social
"github" => "",
"foursquare" => "",
"instagram" => "",
"google-plus" => "",
"linkedin" => "",
"twitter" => "",
"facebook" => "",
"pinterest" => "",
"stackexchange" => "",
"bitbucket" => "",
| Comments
"disqus" => "flaviopw",
| analytics
"analytics" => "UA-10815887-4",
* open app/assets/less/tools/vars.less
* and set your custom colors values
@gn-menu-bg: #efefef;
@card-bg: lighten(@gn-menu-bg, 3);
@link-collor: #546d7a;
@link-active-collor: lighten(@link-collor, 16);
@bg-collor: #546d7a;
@default-shadow-collor: transparent;
@footer-collor: lighten(#546d7a, 20);
Replace 'public/images' favicon.ico and profile.jpg.
- version 0.0.1-dev
- markdown post manager
- make post from command line
- simple style customization
- dump assets on static files
- enable tags
- rss
- move assets manager to external package
- get posts from dropbox
- get posts from google drive
- github api integration
- twitter api integration
- bitbucket api integration
- google-plus api integration
- linkedin api integration
- instagram api integration
- facebook api integration
- foursquare api integration
- pinterest api integration