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General zabbix tools on top of zabbix_api

Developed with aim to bring full power of zabbix_api to command line interface. 
This currently based on gescheit version of api implemetation
>> 6893ab06cb33acbb3d15159e6f8db2b1cb72551e

zrc		- example config file to placed under $HOME/.zrc or /etc/zrc
z   		- general wrapper
z.complete	- provide completetion service, put under /etc/bash_completion.d

General syntax

z <func> <obj> <--filter|--search|--data> key=val[:key=val...] --show key[,key] [options]

	Func is the name of operation you want to preform, avaliable operations
	you can see with 

	z [TAB][TAB]

	Obj is the name of object of FUNC, avaliable objects with current FUNC

	z <func> [TAB][TAB]

General filtering
	Depending on selected func you can use --filter or --search or --data
	keyword to define array of parameters for selected FUNC
	You can use [TAB] to get reasonable keys to define for selected FUNC

	EXAMPLE: get details on host with name "zabbix"
	z get host --filter host=zabbix

	There are many of them.
	Most of avaliable options passed directly to zabbix_api. Some useful 
	options described here.

	--search <array>
	Search by any field of item. Take comma separated list of key=val

	--filter <array>
	Filter by any field of item. Take comma separated list of key=val

	--show <list>
	By default script will display output in json tree format. With this
	define comma separated list of fields to output only selected fields.

	--limit <num>
	Select not more than <num> objects.

	-d|--delimeter <char>
	Char that will be used when parsing arrays like --search, filter, or
	--data. Default is comma.
	This need when comma is used in parameter passed to array


Example 1
Assume we want to disable "Cron not running" trigger on host "zabbix"
First we need triggerid of this trigger

	bash# z get trigger --filter host=zabbix --search description=Cron \
	--show description,status,value,triggerid
	Return for me:

		status = 0
		description = Cron not running
		value = 1
		triggerid = 7411

status=0 mean trigger enabled and value=1 mean trigger is active
now set status=1 to disable trigger

	bash# z update trigger --data triggerid=7411,status=1
	Return for me:

		  "triggerids": [


Example 2
Assume now we have bunch of item in the host that has wrong key

	bash# z get item --filter host=hamster --search key_=privmm \
			 --show itemid,key_
	Return for me:

		itemid = 18072
		key_ = vz.monitor[108,privmmpages,limit]

		itemid = 18076
		key_ = vz.monitor[109,privmmpages,limit]

	... and there are many of them

There "privmmpages" must be replaced by "privvmpages"
and it is a bit tricky case we need kep right VEID (108,109 etc.) so i can not 
use massupdate.

First lets get raw itemids to loop them later:

	bash# BADITEM=`z get item --filter host=hamster --search key_=privmm \
		--show itemid,key_ | grep itemid | awk '{ print $3 }' | xargs`
	bash# echo $BADITEM
	Return for me:
		18072 18076 18080 18084 18095 18111 18127 18143 18159 18175 18191 18207 18223 18239 18255 18271
Than i define func to get VEID for given itemid

	bash# get_key () { ./z get item --filter host=hamster,itemid=$1 --show key_ | \
				cut -d "[" -f 2 | cut -d "," -f 1 | tail -1; }
	bash# get_key 18072
	Return for me:

Look it working :) cool!
Now func to change wrong key_ to good key_

	bash# set_key () { KEY=`get_key $1`; z update item -d ":" \
		--data itemid=$1:key_=vz.monitor[$KEY,privvmpages,limit]; }
	bash# set_key 18072

There i set up alternate delimeter with -d option, this need to avoid 
conflict when parsing key_ in --data
At this point we must have item updated, let's check

	bash# BADITEM=`z get item --filter host=hamster --search key_=privmm \
                --show itemid,key_ | grep itemid | awk '{ print $3 }' | xargs`
	bash# echo $BADITEM
	Return for me:
                18076 18080 18084 18095 18111 18127 18143 18159 18175 18191 18207 18223 18239 18255 18271
	bash# z get item --filter itemid=18076 --show key_
	Return for me:
		key_ = vz.monitor[109,privvmpages,limit]
Item 18072 fixed and it`s not more in my badlist and it`s key is OK now;
Now just loop other in $BADLIST

	bash# for ITEM in $BADLIMITS; do set_key $ITEM; done
	Return for me:
		  "itemids": [
		  "itemids": [
		  "itemids": [
	And so on...

	bash# BADITEM=`z get item --filter host=hamster --search key_=privmm \
                --show itemid,key_ | grep itemid | awk '{ print $3 }' | xargs`
	bash# echo $BADITEM
	Return for me:
Job done.

Example 3
Create bunch of item.

Have an items

	bash# z get item --search key_=failcnt --show itemid,key_,hostid --limit 1
	Return for me:
		itemid = 17228
		hostid = 219
		key_ = vz.monitor[149,oomguarpages,failcnt]

All items on one template

	bash# z get template --filter hostid=219 --show host
	Return for me:
		host = hamster_ve

First of all make a list of items for final loop

	bash# ITEMS=`z get item --search key_=failcnt --show itemid | grep itemid \
						| awk '{ print $3 }' | xargs`

Then define two functions, parsing item key to get tokens for description
	bash# get_type () { z get item --filter itemid=$1 --show key_ |\
		 tail -1 | cut -d"," -f2 ; }
	bash# get_veid () { z get item --filter itemid=$1 --show key_ |\
		 tail -1 | cut -d"[" -f2 | cut -d"," -f1; }
	bash# get_key () { z get item --filter itemid=$1 key_=failcnt \
		--show itemid,description,key_ | grep key_ | awk '{ print $3 }'; }
	bash# echo "KEY=`get_key 17228`; VEID=`get_veid 17228`; TYPE=`get_type 17228`"
	Return for me:
		KEY=vz.monitor[149,oomguarpages,failcnt]; VEID=149; TYPE=oomguarpages

And one function that actually create trigger

	bash# add_trigger () { KEY=`get_key $1`; VEID=`get_veid $1`; TYPE=`get_type $1`; \
		z create trigger -d "#" --data description=${VEID}_${TYPE}_fail#\
		expression="{hamster_ve:${KEY}.abschange(0)} > 0"#\
		priority=4; }

Two moments here. First, # is used as delimeter to avoid conflict with
expression. Second, spaces in expression are important. In web you can 
define expression like this 

and it will work, but via API there are  ^^^ must be spaces

So now just loop all items

	bash# for ITEM in $ITEMS; do add_trigger $ITEM; done


	- Not supported usermacro for now in case of outdated api.
	- Not supported discovery
	- Not supported mass-update, use bash cickles


various tools on top of python api






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