The goal of fishsizefunctions is to download species photographic images from the Reef Life Survey website into R.
You can install the development version of fishsizefunctions from GitHub with:
# install.packages("devtools")
A simple example, let’s download an image of the species Pseudocheilinus hexataenia.
get_species_image("Pseudocheilinus hexataenia")
or you can load multiple images of the same species. In the below example, there are not 30 images on the Reef Life Survey website, therefore only the maximum number of available images in used.
get_species_image("Pseudocheilinus hexataenia", 1:30)
or you can include the images into a ggplot
my_img <- get_species_image("Pseudocheilinus hexataenia", 2)
ggplot() +
aes(x = 1:10,
y = 1:10) +
geom_point() +
{if(!is.null(my_img)) annotation_raster(my_img,
xmin = 1,
xmax = 3,
ymin = 8,
ymax = 10) }