Releases: fishjam-cloud/js-server-sdk
Releases · fishjam-cloud/js-server-sdk
What's Changed
- Check if open api has been regenerated by @czerwiukk in #61
- Bump the development-dependencies group with 7 updates by @dependabot in #62
- Test room manager by @PiotrWodecki in #63
- [FCE-708] Update proto configuration by @mironiasty in #64
- FCE-811/use room service plugin by @czerwiukk in #68
- Add refresh peer token to FishjamClient API by @Karolk99 in #69
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.2.0...v0.3.0
What's Changed
- FCE-378 Remove exact websocket address by @kamil-stasiak in #25
- Fix room manager CI docker build by @kamil-stasiak in #31
- Extend room manager readme by @czerwiukk in #30
- Refactor SDK exceptions to pass errors to servers by @PiotrWodecki in #35
- Do not minify server-side code by @PiotrWodecki in #36
- Allow for urls with the slash at the end by @Karolk99 in #39
- FCE-541 Use querystring and change naming
by @czerwiukk in #42 - Fix backwards compatibility and schema by @czerwiukk in #43
- [FCE-592] Add Software Mansion to readme by @mironiasty in #49
- Revert "Bump the development-dependencies group with 3 updates" by @czerwiukk in #50
- [FCE-606] Update param names to peerName by @mironiasty in #51
- Add prettier to room-manager by @mironiasty in #52
- [FCE-611] Return participant by @mironiasty in #53
- Participant to peer by @Karolk99 in #58
- [FCE-657] Add eslint to repo by @mironiasty in #59
- Prepare for 0.2.0 Release by @mironiasty in #60
Full Changelog: v0.1.2...v0.2.0
Fix package build process
First release of all pacakges