The repository houses the source code for the US National Fire Danger Rating System Version 4.0. The source code provides access to the Command Line Interface as well as SWIG wrappers to build Python libraries. It also provides documentation on the formats of the inputs for the CLI was well as an FW13 to FW21 weather data file converter.
The model documentation can be found here: Modernizing the US National Fire Danger Rating System (version 4): Simplified fuel models and improved live and dead fuel moisture calculations
This library provides all of the source code for NFDRS Version 4.0 including the Nelson Dead Fuel Moisture Model, the Growing Season Index-based Live Fuel Moisture Model and the NFDRS calculator.
Also produces two apps: the FireWxConverter and the NFDRS4_cli (command line interface).
FireWxConverter, which converts FW13 fire weather data files to FW21 fire weather data files NFDRS4_cli produces live and dead fuel moistures as well as NFDRS indexes from FW21 fire weather data files.
CMAKE NFDRS4 - requires CMAKE version 3.8 or higher
Config4cpp - see Config4cpp is used by NFDRS4 for defining configuration files for NFDRS4_cli and NFDRS4 initialization (station) parameters. Complete source for config4cpp is included in the 'extern' directory, and must be built via makefiles to produce a static config4cpp library which is neccessary to build NFDRS4_cli executable.
utctime - see UTCTime class is used for handling time in NFDRS4. Complete source is in the lib/utctime directory
License - NFDRS4 is public domain software, still under development at this time.
Building NFDRS4_cli Run CMAKE and provide entries for CONFIG4CPP_DIR (directory containing config4cpp include files) and CONFIG4CPP_LIB (directory containing config4cpp.lib) Rerun CMAKE and run make
Building for MS Windows has been tested with MS Visual Studio 2022
Build config4cpp
Build config4cpp.lib is easiest accomplished by use of the x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2022.
Open the x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2022, navigate to the NFDRS4/extern/config4cpp directory and enter: nmake -f all64
This should produce config4cpp.lib static library in NFDRS4/extern/config4cpp/lib
Navigate back to the root NFDRS4 directory
Run cmake -G "NMake Makefiles" .
If you haven't already done so, edit the entries for CONFIG4CPP_DIR and CONFIG4CPP_LIB in CMakeCache.txt
//Path to a file.
//Path to a library.
Rerun cmake -G "NMake Makefiles" .
, there should be no errors
Run nmake
In Visual Studio 2022, open the NFDRS4 folder and NFDRS4 will load as a CMake project
Select Project - CMake Settings for NFDRS4
Create a Configuration for x64-Release
Save the settings, Cmake will run
Populate the entry in CMakeSettings.json for CONFIG4CPP_DIR
(should be /NFDRS4/extern/config4cpp/include where is the Drive and folder where the NFDRS4 repository is located)
e.g. D:/Repos/NFDRS4/extern/config4cpp/include
Populate the entry in CmakeSettings.json for CONFIG4CPP_LIB
(should be /NFDRS4/extern/config4cpp/lib/config4cpp.lib)
e.g. D:/Repos/NFDRS4/extern/config4cpp/lib/config4cpp.lib
Save CMakeSettings.json, CMake will run and there should be no errors
Select Build - Build All Select Build - Install NFDRS4 - this will create an install folder for X64-Release with necessary include and lib files to use NFDRS4 and fw21 with applications, as well as executables NFDRS4_cli.exe and FireWxConverter.exe
After extracting the repository, navigate to the NFDRS4/external/config4cpp directory in a Terminal window, and run make
This will create config4cpp.a in NFDRS/external/lib
Navigate back to the NFDRS4 directory. run: cmake .
Fill in or add entries for CONFIG4CPP_DIR and CONFIG4CPP_LIB
Build the repository:
run make
Install the repository:
run sudo make install