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Exchange Data International

Public Sandbox Description

Take Advantage of EDI’s Comprehensive and Complete Securities Reference Data for Equities and Fixed Income Instruments Around the Globe

From our beginnings in 1994, EDI has built a position as a leading provider of Global Reference Data by helping the global financial community make informed decisions through the provision of fast, precise, timely and affordable reference data services.

EDI knows the financial data business, and, in particular, the emerging and frontier markets. The cornerstone of its success lies in its ability to deliver the most accurate and relevant data, and its close relationships with software and data partners, ensuring the reference data is of the utmost quality.

 Where to find data – We have more than 600 sources covering 215 exchanges, and we work in 36 languages daily.

 How to organize data – The Data Entry and Data use technology specifically designed and built to suit the company’s and clients’ needs.

 How users use data – With a flexible approach, we ensure our products and our support services can always be closely aligned to client requirements.

Due to its detailed knowledge and experience, EDI also enables its clients to customize data sets and ad hoc feeds, in order to meet their specific requirements, efficiently and affordably. By choosing Exchange Data International you will benefit from:

 A professional client management team that delivers the lowest cost of ownership whilst at the same time being the most responsive to client requests

 Services from a company whose on-going commitment to providing cost effective reference data solutions has been rewarded with the internationally recognized symbol of quality, ISO 9001.


Contact Details
Social Media

Sandbox Member:

  • Data Provider Since: { provider_start_date }

Contact Information

Profile Name Role Email Address LinkedIn Twitter Slack Skills
{ person1_name } { person1_role } { person1_email } { person1_linkedin } { person1_twitter } { person1_slack } { person1_skills }

Available products

Worldwide Corporate Actions (WCA)

Make informed investment decisions based on timely and accurate worldwide corporate actions data.

Get direct access to global corporate actions data and receive:

 Comprehensive information on all corporate actions events affecting global securities from over 150 exchanges worldwide

 Detailed announcements on many event types including dividends, takeovers, and stock splits

Choose to receive accurate corporate actions data via:

 A web based application

 An FTP connection either a 3x daily or end-of- day

□ Proprietary format

□ ISO 15022 message standard, providing MT564 & 568 announcements actions/Equity/worldwide-corporate-actions.php#service

Worldwide Fixed Income (WFI)

Get a complete overview of changes affecting global debt securities. With the worldwide fixed income data service, you will have access to:

 International debt securities (corporate, government and government agency) in

more than 150 countries

 A broad range of asset types including:

 □ Convertibles

 □ FRNs

 □ Permanent interest bearing shares

 □ Preferred securities

 □ Treasury bills 

Choose to receive worldwide fixed income data either:

 Online

 Via FTP under our proprietary feed

 Via an ISO 15022 messaging standard actions/fixed-income/worldwide- fixed-income.php#service

Worldwide Dividend Data (WDI)

Get a complete overview of global dividend payments & schedules from a single source. Know that our worldwide dividends data service will provide you with:

 Access to worldwide dividend announcements sourced from more than 150


 Detailed information on both cash & stock dividends including record, pay and ex

dates, gross & net amounts

 Details of all currencies in which a dividend can be paid

 The ability to keep up with the growing numbers of distributions with more

complex profiles

Choose to receive worldwide dividends data:

 3 times a day or end-of- day, via a feed

 via user-friendly online platform distributions-data.php#service

Worldwide Shares Outstanding (WSO)

Calculate share stakes, regulatory reporting levels and capitalisation figures. Use our worldwide shares outstanding data service to help you to monitor:

 Name and code changes

 New issues

 Sector trends

Subscribe to a shares outstanding data feed to get access to outstanding figures for the following security types:

 Equity shares

 Preference shares

 ETFs (US)

 Stapled securities

Choose to receive worldwide dividends data:

 via a FTP feed

 via user-friendly online platform outstanding/worldwide-shares-outstanding.php#service

Securities Reference Data (SRF)

Access dynamically updated, maintained and detailed information on over 1,300,000 listed and unlisted securities including:

 Certificates

 Equities

 Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs)

 Debt instruments

 Indices

 Mutual funds

 Warrants

Use our powerful search tool to search and select data from over 40 fields including:

 US Local Code



 Tickers

 Issuer name

 Country of register

 CFI code

 Industry classification

 Security class

Choose to receive securities reference data either daily with history via an FTP connection or as a one off ad-hoc feed. data/securities-reference- data.php#service

Financial Public Holidays (PUBHOL)

Keep up to date with worldwide public holidays data. Save crucial time and money spent monitoring public holidays and their impact on

trading services on these days. Use our worldwide public holidays data feed to notify you of:

 The public holidays observed by exchanges, banks and clearing houses globally

 The operating hours of each financial institution

Choose to subscribe to daily or weekly feeds. Then have them delivered by a FTP connection. Know that weekly feeds list all coming holidays from T+3 to T+31.

You can even have public holidays data integrated to your Outlook or Gmail calendar. holidays/public-holidays- database.php#service

Initial Public Offering (IPO)

Stay ahead of the game with initial public offering (IPO) data. Access IPO data announcements captured at 6 stages:

 New - indicates that the IPO is complete (or in action) and the listing date is today or yesterday.

 Rumour - indicates that the company (or other respected source) has announced its intention to hold an IPO, but before the necessary approval has been made.

 Pending - indicates that the IPO is confirmed and the necessary approval has been made.

 Historical - indicates that the IPO has taken place and the listing date is more than 2 days before.

 Postponed - an IPO which has been temporarily suspended, pending a further announcement on the operation of the placement.

 Withdrawn - an IPO which has been permanently stopped due to the company's or regulatory body's decision.

Know that initial public offering/IPO data is gathered from:

 Primary sources - 150 international stock exchanges

 Secondary source including international news agencies

Choose to receive initial public offering data either online or via a FTP connection. public-offerings.php#service

Exchange Traded Derivative Data (ETD)

Efficiently keep track of corporate actions affecting derivative contracts. Use the derivative reference data file to efficiently identify any specific exchange traded derivative contracts and select data from more than 30 fields including:

 Root Code



 Aii

 Security Description

 Underlying Instrument Details

 Contract Size

 Exercise Style

Obtain fast access to accurate closing pricing data. Choose to receive exchange traded derivative end-of- day pricing by exchange, portfolio

or on a global basis. Data elements include open, high, low, close, open interest, number of trades and volume traded.

Feeds are available by FTP in: XML, CSV, TXT actions/derivative-data/#service

End of day pricing Data (EODP)

Get access to closing prices data as soon as it becomes available. Our end of day prices are available for:

 Equities

 Listed bonds

 Listed indices

 Exchange Traded Derivatives

 US Mutual Funds

Data elements include open, high, low, close, traded volume & value and number of transactions

Choose to receive end of day pricing/closing pricing data by country, region or on a global basis. Then have it delivered to you via FTP. data/security-closing- prices.php#service

Get fast answers to closing pricing questions. A 24-hour support line is available to you Monday through to Friday.

Business Model Specs:

  • Cost or Licensing Structures: { product1_costs }

Technical Specs:

  • Delivery Method: { product1_delivery_method }
  • Update Frequency: { product1_update_frequency }

Marketing Materials (list of pdfs or files that have been uploaded to the wiki)

  • { product1_marketing_doc_1 }
  • { product1_marketing_doc_2 }

Technical Documents (list of pdfs or files that have been uploaded to the wiki)

  • { product1_technical_doc_1 }
  • { product1_technical_doc_2 }



Exchange Data International Limited (EDI) is a provider of pricing and reference data based in London. It provides data reference services to financial and investment communities worldwide, particularly in the United States & UK.

EDI provides reference data across all major markets with special emphasis on emerging and frontier markets. The reference data it provides include worldwide equity and fixed income corporate actions, dividends, static reference data, closing prices and shares outstanding.


Available Datasets

  • Securities Reference data on global equities, ETF's, debt instruments, mutual funds and more
  • Pricing data for equities, listed bonds, listed indices, exchange-traded derivatives and some funds, from 170 worldwide exchanges
  • Corporate Actions data for equities, fixed income, depository receipts and derivatives
  • Dividends data including dividend payout schedules
  • Initial Public Offering (IPO) data to uncover a given company's intent to go public (rumor or real filing)
  • Shares Outstanding data covering all major listed securities, information sourced directly from global exchanges
  • Financial Public Holidays data, which provides a feed of all public holidays that impact trading and settlement services
  • Africa Financial and Economic Data in collaboration with AFED, which provides a variety of economic information on all 54 African countries

Data Access

  • Most of EDI's datasets are available via FTP, but some can be emailed directly or accessed manually via a web portal

Data Formats

  • Most datasets are provided as either fixed width or tab-delimited text files (see example data dictionaries below)
  • As many datasets are provided as end-of-day (EOD) files, those files are incremental in nature. If relevant, all data for a given dataset can be provided at the outset
  • Historical data is also available upon request

Our Experience

EDI is very responsive and can provision requests to access to their FTP site and various datasets with a quick turnaround. Technical support reps will be assigned to you, so if you have specific questions you can work directly with the EDI team.

We're using two of EDI's datasets: securities reference data (security master) on global equities, and corporate actions data.

We download the data files for each dataset on an EOD basis. The filename for each file contains a numerical code that allows you to identify the related dataset. For example, the securities master files and coded "698" while the corporate actions files are coded "695".

The data dictionaries for both files are included as examples as follows:

Data Providers

Sandbox Participants


  • Data Agreement
  • Product Development Pipeline
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