A package implementing tools for working with integrated Wiener processes.
The state vector is Gauss-Markov with transition distribution given by
The package defines the following type for representing
IWP{T,N} where {T<:Real,N<:Integer}
An instance may be constructed according to
IWP{T}(ndiff::Integer, dim::Integer) # ndiff times differentiable IWP of dimension dim and element type T
IWP(ndiff::Integer, dim::Integer) # same as IWP{Float64}(ndiff, dim)
Additionally, the following functions are implemented.
ndiff(M::IWP) # number of times M can be differentiated
dim(M::IWP) # dimension of M
ssparams_reverse(M::IWP{T}) # computes the matrices A, B, C when the state vector is the Taylor coefficients in reverse order
state2diff_matrix_reverse(M::IWP{T}, m::Inter) # computes a matrix such that when mutiplied with the state vector the mth derivative is obtained
transition_parameters_cholf_reverse(M::IWP{T}, dt::T) # computes the transition matrix and the Cholesky factor of the process nosie covariance