MARS is a robot sent to Mars and the tests must execute commands referring to a 5x5 area;
The robot starts in the quadrant (0,0) and its direction to the north: (0,0,N);
The input received must be a sequence of commands being:
- Current position: (0,0,N)
- Command: curl -s --request POST http://localhost:8080/rest/mars/MML
- Result: (0,2,W)
Example 1: If any commands are passed in addition to these, a 400 Bad Request error must be returned.
- Current position: (0,0,N)
- Command: curl -s --request POST http://localhost:8080/rest/mars/AAA
- Result: 400 Bad Request
Example 2: If the boundary area is exceeded, a 400 Bad Request error must be returned.
- Current position: (0,0,N)
- Command: curl -s --request POST http://localhost:8080/rest/mars/MMMMMMMM
- Result: 400 Bad Request