Efficient implementations of simple branch and bound and dynamic programming algorithms for 0-1 and unbounded Knapsack problems. The purpose of this project is to provide highly optimized and flexible implementations of basic algorithms for solving small to medium instances of Knapsack problems.
Range-v3 (https://ericniebler.github.io/range-v3/)
The build process requires CMake 3.19 (https://cmake.org/) or more and the Conan C++ package manager (https://conan.io/).
struct Item {
double cost, value;
std::vector<Item> items = ...;
double budget = ...;
auto knapsack = knapsack_bnb(budget, items,
[](const Item & i) {
return i.value;
[](const Item & i) {
return i.cost;
// knapsack.solve(std::chrono::seconds(10)); // or solve with timeout
double solution_value = 0.0;
for(const Item & i : knapsack.solution()) {
solution_value += i.value;