This is a parametric seed roller with default parameters and presets for Jang JP or JPH series rollers.
You can adjust things like the diameter and borehole to adjust for your printer's tolerances. You can also adjust the number of seed cells and their size.
I started from an existing Jang wheel, took measurements, and implemented a fully parameterized version out of shape primitives. Then fernplant was nice enough to add other shapes, and mandrewcramer helped with the text rendering. You can thank Peter Armstrong for making me aware of the J#-6 series (and if you know of a roller that's not covered by a preset, please open an issue; I will absolutely give a mention).
The renders of every roller preset are available on Thingiverse.
Running this command will open up OpenSCAD. If you open up the Customizer, you'll see a bunch of presets for known Jang seed rollers.
openscad seed_roller.scad
The following command will render the preset "Jang M-12" as "./stl/Jang M-12.stl":
./ "Jang M-12"
To list all the presets:
./ list
The current set of supported rollers are:
- Jang A-6
- Jang AA-6
- Jang B-12
- Jang BL-12
- Jang C-12
- Jang C-6
- Jang F-12
- Jang F-24
- Jang F-6
- Jang G-12
- Jang G-6
- Jang J-2
- Jang J-4
- Jang J-8
- Jang J1-6 *
- Jang J3-6 *
- Jang J5-6 *
- Jang L J-12
- Jang L J-24
- Jang L J-6
- Jang L V-12
- Jang L V-24
- Jang L-12
- Jang L-24
- Jang MJ-12
- Jang MJ-24
- Jang MJ-4
- Jang MJ-6
- Jang MM-12
- Jang MM-24
- Jang N-6
- Jang Q-12
- Jang Q-6
- Jang R-12
- Jang R-24
- Jang X-12
- Jang X-24
- Jang X-4
- Jang X-6
- Jang XY-12
- Jang XY-24
- Jang XY-36
- Jang XY-4
- Jang XYY-12
- Jang XYY-24
- Jang XYY-36
- Jang YX-12
- Jang YX-24
- Jang YX-4
- Jang YX-6
- Jang YYJ-12
- Jang YYJ-24
- Jang YYJ-6
- Jang YYX-12
- Jang YYX-24
- Jang YYX-36
- Jang Z-Blank
* These rollers are works in progress; see Issue #6
To render all the presets into ./stl/
./ all
Note: there are 57 rollers, and they each take about a minute to render, with more or more complex holes taking longer (though, works parallel up to the number of processors you have). So you're looking at a nontrivial amount of render time, depedning on your machine. Mine knocks everything out in about 11 minutes at 8-parallel.