This is a simple project to exercise my new skills with the modern Javascript stack.
It implements a simple API with explress.js and on the frontend we have a React.js implementation. It will also feature an implementation of mobile apps for iOS and Android featuring expo.js and React Native.
This comes after participating on the NextLevelWeek from Rocketseat where we implemented a simple app with the same stack.
The idea of this app is to push further my knowledge with this technologies and venture myself on a more complex system.
As an added bonus it made me tinker with figma and making the app pretty, wich is not my main skill.
Requirements: have npm, yarn and docker set up on your machine. then follow the following check list.
- Clone the repo
- run the following command to setup your database container with docker:
docker run --name reactive-sql -p 3306:3306 -e MYSQL_DATABASE=reactive -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=my-secret-pw -d mysql --default-authentication-plugin=mysql_native_password
- copy
- copy
- move to
and runyarn install
- then run
yarn typeorm migration:run
- then to have the backend running run
yarn serve
At the moment I didnt finish the frontend connection to the server so this will be updated in due time.
To run the frontend:
- move to
and runyarn install
- run
yarn start
so far this should be all that is needed. Note the project is not finished...
- Add Recource Bank | actions: CRUD | format: { id, shortenName, name, user, createdAt, updatedAt }
- Add Recource Category | actions: CRUD | format: { id, name, user, createdAt, updatedAt }
- Add Recource Transaction | actions: CRUD | format: { id, date, description, category, bank, amount, user, createdAt, updatedAt }
- Validate the data on all resources...
- add views/DTO for the outside world
Links that I am using to help me on my way to completing the project, may or may not be useful to anyone else.
regarding css: