- Description
- Build & Install
- API Overview
- API Reference Documentation
- Development documentation
- Testing
This Internet of Things Agent is a bridge that can be used to communicate devices using the Ultralight 2.0 protocol and NGSI Context Brokers (like Orion). Ultralight 2.0 is a lightweight text based protocol aimed to constrained devices and communications where the bandwidth and device memory may be limited resources. This IoTA will provide different transport protocol bindings for the same protocol: HTTP, MQTT...
As is the case in any IoT Agent, this one follows the interaction model defined in the Node.js IoT Agent Library, that is used for the implementation of the Northbound APIs. Information about the IoTAgent's architecture can be found on that global repository. This documentation will only address those features and characteristics that are particular to the Ultralight 2.0 IoTAgent.
Additional information about operating the component can be found in the Operations: logs and alarms document.
This project is part of FIWARE. Check also the FIWARE Catalogue entry for the IoTAgents
Information about how to install the UL IoTAgent can be found at the corresponding section of the Installation & Administration Guide.
An Overview of the API can be found in the User & Programmers Manual.
Apiary reference for the Configuration API can be found here. More information about IoTAgents and their APIs can be found in the IoTAgent Library here.
Information about developing for the UL IoTAgent can be found at the corresponding section of the User & Programmers Manual.
Mocha Test Runner + Chai Assertion Library + Sinon Spies, stubs.
The test environment is preconfigured to run BDD testing style with
and chai.should()
available globally while executing tests, as well as the Sinon-Chai plugin.
Module mocking during testing can be done with proxyquire
To run tests, type
grunt test
Tests reports can be used together with Jenkins to monitor project quality metrics by means of TAP or XUnit plugins.
To generate TAP report in report/test/unit_tests.tap
, type
grunt test-report