(Un-)Polarized Lepto-Production of Heavy Quarks.
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author = "Hekhorn, Felix",
title = "{Next-to-Leading Order QCD Corrections to Heavy-Flavour Production in Neutral Current DIS}",
eprint = "1910.01536",
archivePrefix = "arXiv",
primaryClass = "hep-ph",
doi = "10.15496/publikation-34811",
school = "Tubingen U., Math. Inst.",
year = "2019"
LeProHQ++ contains the core C++ implementations that compute the actual structure functions.
LeProHQutils contains set of helper functions.
LeProHQpy contains the stand-alone Python wrapper for the fully inclusive coefficient functions as is required by yadism.
Patches contains a list of patches that are either required to run the C++ implementation or to run some legacy PDF codes.
Benchmarks contains a list of benchmark results to verify the implementations.