De meme, de legende.
git clone [email protected]:felixcoperus/iwalden.git
cd iwalden/app
pip install -U -r requirements.txt
mkdir -p secrets
touch secrets/discord_token
Put your discord token in secrets/discord_token
nohup python -u $HOME/git/iwalden/app/ > program.out 2>&1 &
Or when in venv:
nohup /path/to/venv/bin/python -u $HOME/git/iwalden/app/ > program.out 2>&1 &
# get code
git clone [email protected]:felixcoperus/iwalden.git
cd iwalden
# build image (without secret)
docker build . -t felixcop/iwalden
# place secret in git root
mkdir -p secrets
vim secrets/discord_token # contents should be _ONLY_ your discord token
# mount secrets folder and run container
# note that some logging will only appear after stopping the container
docker run -d --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)/secrets",target=/app/secrets felixcop/iwalden && docker logs $(docker ps -lq)
First follow Installation - Docker
, to build the image, and test your setup.
You then need to host the image somewhere centrally. The easiest is Dockerhub. The code below is the code that I use to get this bot running on Kubernetes, change info where applicable.
docker login -u felixcop
docker push felixcop/iwalden
kubectl create secret generic iwalden \
--from-literal=discord_token='<your discord token>'
kubectl apply -f k8s/ # see contents of this folder for specifics