An extension to make interactions easier.
DSharpPlus interaction wrapper allows you to create a classes with multiple interactive buttons
For now this library exists just to comfort my requirements, but with more commits I'm making - the more I see this extension used in everyone's projects, it is so easy to use and fits a in
a lot of projects
To setup your project with menus download the package from nuget and add
to your DiscordClient
instance and you are ready to go
To use simple auto-generated menus use provided Menu
class MyMenu : Menu
public MyMenu(DiscordClient client) : base(client)
private async Task Interact(ButtonContext ctx)
await ctx.Interaction.CreateResponseAsync(InteractionResponseType.DeferredMessageUpdate);
// Do not forget to add menu to the edited message or buttons won't show up
await ctx.Interaction.EditOriginalResponseAsync(new DiscordWebhookBuilder().AddMenu(this).WithContent($"Your name is {args.User.Username} and id {args.User.Id}!"));
// For this button to be registered it must have one of the button attributes,
// have `ComponentInteractionCreateEventArgs` as first and only parameter and return `Task`
[SuccessButton("It is a success button")]
public async Task SuccessAsync(ButtonContext ctx) => await Interact(ctx);
[DangerButton("It is a danger button", Row = ButtonPosition.Second)]
public async Task DangerAsync(ButtonContext ctx) => await Interact(ctx);
To see the list of the button attributes go to \examples\
And when you want to use it start it with StartAsync
, but do not forget to send it!
class MyCommandModule : BaseCommandModule
public async Task SendMenuAsync(CommandContext ctx)
var menu = new MyMenu(ctx.Client);
await menu.StartAsync();
await ctx.RespondAsync(new DiscordMessageBuilder().AddMenu(menu).WithContent("Here is your menu, sir."));
They are very similar with regular ones but you can send multiple copies of one menu and each of this copy will be called in a single menu and the most notable thing about static menus that
they will work even after bot restart
To start using it you need first of all create a static menu class with Menus.Intities.StaticMenu
class MyStaticMenu : StaticMenu
// Important note that maximum length of the menu id and button id is 40 or less!
public MyStaticMenu(DiscordClient client) : base("maximumLengthOfTheCustomIdIs40Characters", client)
// Static menus have their own buttons attributes, do not use regular ones, menu would not recognize them
[StaticSecondaryButton("LimitIs40Charachers", "Click to create a menu only for you")]
public async Task CreateEphemeralMenuAsync(ButtonContext ctx)
await ctx.Interaction.CreateResponseAsync(InteractionResponseType.DeferredMessageUpdate);
var menu = new MyMenu(Client);
// Start then send!
await menu.StartAsync();
await ctx.Interaction.CreateFollowupMessageAsync(new DiscordFollowupMessageBuilder()
.AddMenu(this).AsEphemeral(true).WithContent("A menu only for you!"));
Then you need to register this menu in your startup function
private static ServiceProvider ConfigureServices()
return new ServiceCollection()
.AddSingleton(_ => new DiscordClient(new DiscordConfiguration
Token = %YOUR_TOKEN%,
TokenType = TokenType.Bot
.AddSingleton(s =>
var client = s.GetRequiredService<DiscordClient>();
return client.UseCommandsNext(new CommandsNextConfiguration
Services = s,
StringPrefixes = new [] {".", "!", "~"}
.AddSingleton(s =>
var client = s.GetRequiredService<DiscordClient>();
return client.UseMenus();
private static async Task Main()
await using var services = ConfigureServices();
var client = services.GetRequiredService<DiscordClient>();
var commands = services.GetRequiredService<CommandsNextExtension>();
var menus = services.GetRequiredService<MenusExtension>();
// Register static menu, also you can provide more parameters to constructor, there is no limit
menus.RegisterStaticMenu(() => new MyStaticMenu(client));
await client.ConnectAsync();
await Task.Delay(-1);
Basic client setup and menu registration at Main function, now your menu is registered and already can accept button clicks, but there is not a single menu in your server, now we need to
send it
Lets take previous command module and rewrite it a bit
class MyCommandModule : BaseCommandModule
// Our old command, lets leave it here
public async Task SendMenuAsync(CommandContext ctx)
var menu = new MyMenu(ctx.Client);
await menu.StartAsync();
await ctx.RespondAsync(new DiscordMessageBuilder().AddMenu(menu).WithContent("Here is your menu, sir."));
// We really do not want users to create a static menu instance whenever they want
// I can think of many ways users can interact with it, but the best way for me is closed channel with only this static menu
[Command("static"), RequireOwner]
public async Task SendStaticMenuAsync(CommandContext ctx)
// If menu is not found it will throw `ArgumentException`
var menu = ctx.Client.GetStaticMenu<MyStaticMenu>();
// Important: We do not need to start it, it is running already if you registered it
await ctx.ResponsdAsync(new DiscordMessageBuilder().WithContent("You can edit it anyway you want").AddMenu(menu));
Now we can send a static menu that will work even after bot restarts, this would allow you to create a ephemeral menus only visible by person clicked it.