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An extension to make interactions easier.

If you have encountered menu timeout issue please update to version or higher

This is not official DSharpPlus extension and will never be, use it on your own risk

DSharpPlus interaction wrapper allows you to create a classes with multiple interactive buttons
For now this library exists just to comfort my requirements, but with more commits I'm making - the more I see this extension used in everyone's projects, it is so easy to use and fits a in a lot of projects

To setup your project with menus download the package from nuget and add


to your DiscordClient instance and you are ready to go


Regular Menus

To use simple auto-generated menus use provided Menu class

class MyMenu : Menu
    public MyMenu(DiscordClient client) : base(client)

    private async Task Interact(ButtonContext ctx)
        await ctx.Interaction.CreateResponseAsync(InteractionResponseType.DeferredMessageUpdate);
        // Do not forget to add menu to the edited message or buttons won't show up
        await ctx.Interaction.EditOriginalResponseAsync(new DiscordWebhookBuilder().AddMenu(this).WithContent($"Your name is {args.User.Username} and id {args.User.Id}!"));

    // For this button to be registered it must have one of the button attributes,
    // have `ComponentInteractionCreateEventArgs` as first and only parameter and return `Task`
    [SuccessButton("It is a success button")]
    public async Task SuccessAsync(ButtonContext ctx) => await Interact(ctx);

    [DangerButton("It is a danger button", Row = ButtonPosition.Second)]
    public async Task DangerAsync(ButtonContext ctx) => await Interact(ctx);

To see the list of the button attributes go to \examples\ folder
And when you want to use it start it with StartAsync, but do not forget to send it!

class MyCommandModule : BaseCommandModule
    public async Task SendMenuAsync(CommandContext ctx)
        var menu = new MyMenu(ctx.Client);
        await menu.StartAsync();
        await ctx.RespondAsync(new DiscordMessageBuilder().AddMenu(menu).WithContent("Here is your menu, sir."));

Static Menus

They are very similar with regular ones but you can send multiple copies of one menu and each of this copy will be called in a single menu and the most notable thing about static menus that they will work even after bot restart
To start using it you need first of all create a static menu class with Menus.Intities.StaticMenu

Important note: Maximum length of the custom id in the static menus are 40 characters or less!!

class MyStaticMenu : StaticMenu
    // Important note that maximum length of the menu id and button id is 40 or less!
    public MyStaticMenu(DiscordClient client) : base("maximumLengthOfTheCustomIdIs40Characters", client)
    // Static menus have their own buttons attributes, do not use regular ones, menu would not recognize them
    [StaticSecondaryButton("LimitIs40Charachers", "Click to create a menu only for you")]
    public async Task CreateEphemeralMenuAsync(ButtonContext ctx)
        await ctx.Interaction.CreateResponseAsync(InteractionResponseType.DeferredMessageUpdate);
        var menu = new MyMenu(Client);
        // Start then send!
        await menu.StartAsync();
        await ctx.Interaction.CreateFollowupMessageAsync(new DiscordFollowupMessageBuilder()
                    .AddMenu(this).AsEphemeral(true).WithContent("A menu only for you!"));

Then you need to register this menu in your startup function

private static ServiceProvider ConfigureServices()
    return new ServiceCollection()
        .AddSingleton(_ => new DiscordClient(new DiscordConfiguration
            Token = %YOUR_TOKEN%,
            TokenType = TokenType.Bot
        .AddSingleton(s => 
            var client = s.GetRequiredService<DiscordClient>();
            return client.UseCommandsNext(new CommandsNextConfiguration
                Services = s,
                StringPrefixes = new [] {".", "!", "~"}
        .AddSingleton(s =>
            var client = s.GetRequiredService<DiscordClient>();
            return client.UseMenus();

private static async Task Main()
    await using var services = ConfigureServices();
    var client = services.GetRequiredService<DiscordClient>();
    var commands = services.GetRequiredService<CommandsNextExtension>();
    var menus = services.GetRequiredService<MenusExtension>();
    // Register static menu, also you can provide more parameters to constructor, there is no limit
    menus.RegisterStaticMenu(() => new MyStaticMenu(client));

    await client.ConnectAsync();
    await Task.Delay(-1);

Basic client setup and menu registration at Main function, now your menu is registered and already can accept button clicks, but there is not a single menu in your server, now we need to send it
Lets take previous command module and rewrite it a bit

class MyCommandModule : BaseCommandModule
    // Our old command, lets leave it here
    public async Task SendMenuAsync(CommandContext ctx)
        var menu = new MyMenu(ctx.Client);
        await menu.StartAsync();
        await ctx.RespondAsync(new DiscordMessageBuilder().AddMenu(menu).WithContent("Here is your menu, sir."));
    // We really do not want users to create a static menu instance whenever they want
    // I can think of many ways users can interact with it, but the best way for me is closed channel with only this static menu 
    [Command("static"), RequireOwner]
    public async Task SendStaticMenuAsync(CommandContext ctx)
        // If menu is not found it will throw `ArgumentException`
        var menu = ctx.Client.GetStaticMenu<MyStaticMenu>();
        // Important: We do not need to start it, it is running already if you registered it
        await ctx.ResponsdAsync(new DiscordMessageBuilder().WithContent("You can edit it anyway you want").AddMenu(menu));

Now we can send a static menu that will work even after bot restarts, this would allow you to create a ephemeral menus only visible by person clicked it.

This is not official DSharpPlus extension and most probably will never be, use it on your own risk


An extension to make interactions easier.







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