Port of awesome JavaScript Node.js library - Socket.io v2.0.1 - in Dart This is fork of https://github.com/victorshx/socket.io-dart. No idea what are the changes are for, but the changes that is build with this fork will be specific to FeedMe until if this package is not needed.
import 'package:socket_io/socket_io.dart';
main() {
var io = new Server();
var nsp = io.of('/some');
nsp.on('connection', (client) {
print('connection /some');
client.on('msg', (data) {
print('data from /some => $data');
client.emit('fromServer', "ok 2");
io.on('connection', (client) {
print('connection default namespace');
client.on('msg', (data) {
print('data from default => $data');
client.emit('fromServer', "ok");
// JS client
var socket = io('http://localhost:3000');
socket.on('connect', function(){console.log('connect')});
socket.on('event', function(data){console.log(data)});
socket.on('disconnect', function(){console.log('disconnect')});
socket.on('fromServer', function(e){console.log(e)});
// Dart client
import 'package:socket_io_client/socket_io_client.dart' as IO;
IO.Socket socket = IO.io('http://localhost:3000');
socket.on('connect', (_) {
socket.emit('msg', 'test');
socket.on('event', (data) => print(data));
socket.on('disconnect', (_) => print('disconnect'));
socket.on('fromServer', (_) => print(_));
Same as Socket.IO, this project allows you to create several Namespaces, which will act as separate communication channels but will share the same underlying connection.
Within each Namespace, you can define arbitrary channels, called Rooms, that sockets can join and leave. You can then broadcast to any given room, reaching every socket that has joined it.
Refers to engine.io
: XHR / JSONP polling transport.websocket
: WebSocket transport.
- Default socket.io in-memory adapter class. Refers to socket.io-adapter
If you'd like to contribute back to the core, you can fork this repository and send us a pull request, when it is ready.
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- Quire - a simple, collaborative, multi-level task management tool.
- KEIKAI - a web spreadsheet for Big Data.
- Thanks @felangel for rikulo#7
- Thanks @ThinkDigitalSoftware for rikulo#15
- Thanks @guilhermecaldas for rikulo#16
- Thanks @jodinathan for rikulo#17
- Thanks @jodinathan for rikulo#18
- Thanks @nicobritos for rikulo#46
- Thanks @nicobritos for rikulo#47