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Treasury Account Symbol

Brian edited this page May 26, 2020 · 2 revisions

Treasury Account Symbols (TASs) are used to denote the exact bucket government spending falls under. The term is used somewhat synonymously with "Treasury Account"

Glossary Definition

Components of the Symbol

The symbol USAspending displays has 5 "parts", although one is optional, and one consists of multiple components. Take this example:


  • The first two denote which agency the TAS is under (note, USAspending doesn't actually use these as foreign key relationships because there are lots of exceptions to this. See the page on bucketing logic for more details):
    • The "097" is the Allocation Transfer Agency Identifier (ATA).
    • The "011" is the Agency Identifier (AID)
  • The "2018/2018" section denote the time period that the funds are available. In this case, the first number is the Beginnig Period of Availability and the second is the Ending Period of Availability. It's also possible for this section to just be a single letter, in which case that letter is the Availability Code.
  • The "1082" is the Main Account Code
  • The "000" is the Sub Account Code

Loading TAS

TAS codes area loaded by USAspending by the load_tas command. At the time of writing this isn't performed automatically.