Currently, quite broken: properties edition, many actions...
- make containers concept and build folders/ItemList code from it (see templates.js)
- implement edit using ?
Types (aka elements): - text (completable ?) - completable - url - color - bool - integer (custom validator from list of regex) - object url (link) ** - textarea - date - tag (#foo) => Shared list accross whole system - datetime - list (checklist or selection of common types, generator based, server side) + data (file)
Compound type: + action (link(url) + caption(text) + classes(list of text) + tags (list of tags like #adminonly))
** track all links to avoid broken links
Pages (aka fullscreen items): (map:<mime: class>) - Item (abstract) - mimetype (text) - title (text) - size (int) - owner (object url) - members (list of object url) - thumbnail (link) - creation date (datetime) - Member (TODO .app) - permissions (text) - ThumbnailGenerator (TODO .app) - url (url) - source (data) - SiteAdmin (TODO .app) - admins(text) - private areas (list -> selection) - recent_activity (list of object url) - latest_activity (datetime) - site title(text) - background color (color) - File (standard/download only) - file(data) - comments(list of textarea) - EditableText (is a File) - ColoredText (is a File) - Folder (is a File) - Image (is a File) - Video (is a File) - Sound (is a File) - PresentationFolder (is a Folder and .app, TODO)
Server-side global hooks!
Fancy: youtube searches into special Youtube page (topic: virtual items) 1) allow short urls VS 2) use other param
Pages and Types have: - js code - hooks - add, remove (add used to update types) - definitions (object initialization) - css - view (templates) - python code - hooks: add, remove, update (apply on item and its parent!) - custom functions
type make all to generate all files.
Look into src/jscode/ folder for Javascript code (client side) and src/weye/ for server side code.
In lesscss format, found in themes/ folder, the main file is default.less.
In case you edit some object code:
In objects, run to generate mimes.js, then type "make all" at the root of the sources.
Own all aliases in the form :
Js code for view. The minimalistic form is Nano.set_content(this);. You may .appendTo($('#contents')) as well.
Folder containing additional js files that must be loaded.
Special file for custom definitions. The file format is a little tricky: indented lines are untouched, but others are prefixed with some magic code, so only use lvalues here !
You can find page templates in views folder.