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Fedora 4 Tests

These python tests are meant to be run against a standalone Fedora 4 instance.

This will create, update and delete resources in the repository. So you may not want to use it on a production instance.

Also, this is doing a cursory test. It does some verification of RDF, and patches are always welcome.

Note: in order to test authorization, please first verify that your Fedora repository in configured to use authorization. Check the repository.json in use, and verify that the security block contains a providers list such as:

"providers" : [
    { "classname" : "org.fcrepo.auth.common.ServletContainerAuthenticationProvider" }


This has been designed for Python 3, but should be backwards compatible.

To install:

  1. Clone this directory

  2. In the fcrepo4-tests directory run

    • pip install -r requirements.txt for python 2.*
    • pip3 install -r requirements.txt for python 3.*

    to install dependencies

  3. Run the tests with the config file switch (-c), ie. ./ -c config.yml.example


The has many configuration options, but essentially it needs to know.

  1. The base URL of your Fedora
  2. The Admin username
  3. The Admin password
  4. A second user's name
  5. A second user's password
  6. A third user's name
  7. A third user's password

The config.yml.example has an example setup for a default Fedora running with mvn jetty:run

To see all options run

./ --help

Multiple configurations

You can store multiple configurations in one config file, then you can use the -n|--site_name option to choose a different configuration.

For example, with this config.yml

  baseurl: http://localhost:8080/rest 
  admin_user: fedoraAdmin
  admin_password: fedoraAdmin 
  user1: testuser
  password1: testpass 
  user2: testuser2
  password2: testpass
  baseurl: http://someserver:8080/fcrepo/rest 
  admin_user: theBoss
  admin_password: bossesPW
  user1: user1
  password1: password1
  user2: user2
  password2: password2

To use the second_site configuration, simply start the testrunner with

./ -c config.yml -n second_site

If a configuration cannot be found or the -n|--site_name argument is not present we default to the default profile.

Isolate tests

You can also choose to run only a subset of all tests using the -t|--tests argument. It accepts a comma separated list of the following values which indicate which tests to run.

  • authz - Authorization tests
  • basic - Basic interaction tests
  • sparql - Sparql operation tests
  • rdf - RDF serialization tests
  • version - Versioning tests
  • transaction - Transcation tests
  • fixity - Binary fixity tests

Without this parameter all the above tests will be run.

To run only the authz and sparql tests you would execute:

./ -c config.yml -t authz,sparql

Tests implemented


  1. Create a container called cover
  2. Patch it to a pcdm:Object
  3. Verify no ACL exists
  4. Add an ACL to cover
  5. Create a container inside cover called files
  6. Verify Anonymous can't access cover
  7. Verify admin user can access cover
  8. Verify regular user 1 can access cover
  9. Verify regular user 2 can't access cover


  1. Create a container
  2. Create a container inside the container from step 1
  3. Create a binary inside the container from step 2
  4. Delete the binary
  5. Delete the container from step 1
  6. Create a LDP Basic container
  7. Validate the correct Link header type
  8. Create a LDP Direct container
  9. Validate the correct Link header type
  10. Create a LDP Indirect container
  11. Validate the correct Link header type


  1. Create a binary resource
  2. Get a fixity result for that resource
  3. Compare that the SHA-1 hash matches the expected value


  1. Create a container
  2. Set the dc:title of the container with a Patch request
  3. Update the dc:title of the container with a Patch request
  4. Verify the title
  5. Create a binary
  6. Set the dc:title of the binary with a Patch request
  7. Update the dc:title of the binary with a Patch request
  8. Verify the title
  9. Create a container
  10. Update the title to text with Unicode characters
  11. Verify the title


  1. Create a transaction
  2. Get the status of the transaction
  3. Create a container in the transaction
  4. Verify the container is available in the transaction
  5. Verify the container is not available outside the transaction
  6. Commit the transaction
  7. Verify the container is now available outside the transaction
  8. Create a second transaction
  9. Create a container in the transaction
  10. Verify the container is available in the transaction
  11. Verify the container is not available outside the transaction
  12. Rollback the transaction
  13. Verify the container is still not available outside the transaction


  1. Create a container
  2. Check for versions of the container
  3. Create a version of the container with existing body
  4. Create a version of the container with specific datetime
  5. Try to create a version of the container with the same datetime
  6. Update the container with a PATCH request
  7. Try to PATCH the Memento
  8. Create another version of the container with existing body
  9. Count number of versions
  10. Delete a version
  11. Verify deletion
  12. Count number of versions again
  13. Create Memento at deleted memento's datetime
  14. Verify Memento exists


  1. Create a pcdm:Object
  2. Create a pcdm:Collection
  3. Create an indirect container "members" inside the pcdm:Collection
  4. Create a proxy object for the pcdm:Object inside the members indirectContainer
  5. Verify that the pcdm:Collection has the memberRelation property added pointing to the pcdm:Object


Simple automated tests against a Fedora4 machine






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