Deploy an nginx VMSS
First you should have a Controller up and running. You can use as a starting point or use the official documentation at
- Create a location on Infrastructure / Locations
- Create an environment on Services / Environment
This template does not aim to create a full stack. The Resource Group, VNET and subnets should already be created.
Description of input parameters:
- virtualNetworkName: Name of the VNET.
- subnetName: Name of the Subnet where is located the private NIC of the Controller.
- ControllerFQDN: Fully Qualified Domain Name for the Controller.
- controllerAPIKey: API Key of the controller. You should find it on the Web UI when you click Add an Existing Instance"
- ctrlUserEmail: Email address of the Controller Administrator Account
- ctrlUserPassword: Password of the Controller Administrator Account
- nginx-repo.crt: Base64 Encoding of the nginx-repo.crt file ($ cat nginx-repo.crt | base64)
- nginx-repo.key: Base64 Encoding of the nginx-repo.key file ($ cat nginx-repo.key | base64)
- instanceLocation: Instance as previously created on the controller
- environment: Environment as previously created on the controller
- gateway: Name of the Gateway. If it already exists, the new Nginx+ instances of the VMSS will be added to it. Otherwize it will create the gw and add the instances
- vmssName: String used as a base for naming resources. Must be 3-61 characters in length and globally unique across Azure. A hash is prepended to this string for some resources, and resource-specific information is appended.
- instanceCount: Number of VM instances (100 or less).
- adminUsername: Admin username on all VMs.
- authenticationType: Type of authentication to use on the Virtual Machine. SSH key is recommended.
- adminPasswordOrKey: SSH Key or password for the Virtual Machine. SSH key is recommended.
- restrictedSrcAddress: This field restricts management access to a specific network or address. Enter an IP address or address range in CIDR notation, or asterisk for all sources