Deploy a NGINX Controller from ARM Template
The template is intended to be deployed in an existing stack. Therefore it does not create the Resource Group, the VNET and the subnets.
Input Field Explanation:
- Resource Group: Your existing Resource Group.
- Virtual Network Name
- Subnet Name: Your management subnet.
- VM DNS Name: name of the instance. Any created object will be prefixed with this name.
- Admin Username: VM username (SSH Access)
- Authentication Type: choose whether you want to connect using an SSH Public Key (recommended) or a password.
- Admin Password or key: if you choose SSH Public Key, paste the RSA Public Key (ex: .ssh/ It will be added to the authorized keys of the VM.
- Controller tar Ball URL: HTTP or HTTPS url where to download the .tar.gz archive of the controller.
- User Email: administrator email address used to authentify to the controller.
- Controller License: License Access Token string.
- Restricted Src Address: IP address or address range in CIDR notation, or asterisk for all sources to restrict management access to a specific network or address.