I'm Fabio, a math professor, primarly interested in integral equations and numerical methods.
- 🎓 I'm working at the Mathematics and Statistic Instituto (IME) of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). See the official webpage with office number and phone extension.
- 🔭 Currently, my primary focus on GitHub is to produce open educational resources through the REAMAT platform, to use it for teaching in scientific computing courses, and to host academic research software in the field of numerical analysis.
- 📫 You can reach me via my email, which is available on my professor page at UFRGS
- 😄 Pronouns: he/his.
- ⚡ Fun fact: I started programming with Basic on my father's Apple IIe.
- 🐧 I'm an enthusiast of free and open-source software; my distro is Linux Mint.
- 📖 I'm also a Wikipedia enthusiast and editor since 2007; my username there is Lechatjaune.
- 🔬 I am a carbon-based life form.
- 📊 You can get more information about me at Wikidata, where I am just another ordinary number Q70045652.