Please ensure you have celery and a broker installed and that it is running for the email messaging
Start celery worker:
celery -A ClinomicTest worker -l INFO -P threads
the -l is a lowercase L not an I
Please create a file under ClinomicTest and enter:
email = {your email address}
password = {your email password}
this project uses google smtp for it's email messaging.
You can change the settings under
Ensure that you have made migrations for the database and migrated the models
Make migrations :
python makemigrations todoapi / reminder
Migrate models and create database :
python migrate
Ensure that you have the credentials to access the website
You can do that by creating your own user or logging in if you already have one :
python createsuperuser
Once you have everything setup you can start the server:
python runserver
You can use the interface to navigate through the boards, todos and reminders.
Use the url provided to get more details and edit specific items you want to change.