How to run:
- You must have Ruby 2.7.5 installed, along with Bundler.
- This interaction also requires TLS - you can setup a TLS tunnel using a service like ngrok to support this
- Your test device must be an Apple device with Touch ID, and you must be signed in to the Apple Sandbox, and have a test card registered ( - see Create a Sandbox Tester Account)
- Run bundler and then start the server:
$ bundle
$ bundle exec ruby demo.rb
- Run ngrok to get a URL:
$ ngrok http 4567
The ngrok command will provide a HTTP URL - grab this for the next step
- Ensure the domain is registered:
$ curl -u TEST:TEST
Once successful, go to Step 4
- On your test device, open Safari and goto the URL from step 2
- Click the Buy with Apple Pay button
- If everything works properly you should see an alert stating 'Payment Successful. Transaction ID: XXXX-P-ZZZZZZZZZZZZ'